Saturday 23 August 2014

Overcoming Nerves to Smash it!

Mental Strength is a powerful thing! 

I have to start off and apologise for the lack of articles this week; its been rather hectic in the office, at home and if i'm completely honest i've started to get really nervous about the competitions. Musclemania is only 3 weeks away and I don't feel prepared in terms of costume or grooming (aka; tanning!)

This week has been a low week - Ive had doubts about whether i'm going to look good on stage. So yes, as silly as it sounds, i've had to give myself another good talking to! I don't know whether its appropriate to admit this within a blog, as you never know who could be reading it, but i have missed my mum over the last 2 weeks - whilst she's been jet setting in Canada. She is my rock and the voice in my head telling me to push and gives me that boost of confidence when i need it the most. She's flying home next week so I cant wait to see her - unfortunately she wont be here to see me compete in Musclemania. Although I do seem to have a small gathering of people who want to come and support me; my boyfriend, friends from back home and people from the gym. I think i'm more nervous about walking on stage in front of them than I am the judges!

people say we look like sisters??
Me and My Mummy at Royal Ascot last year
Training was tough this week. Emma set me some targets last Saturday and me, being me wanted to smash them. I don't know whether its the sheer stubbornness in me not wanting to fail, as to why I push myself as hard as I do.

On Tuesday night, I am afraid to admit I nearly reached tipping point... that is i mean, I nearly cried in the gym. Shocked, some of you might be but don't worry i didn't burst into tears! I was doing squat thrusts to fatigue and after finishing 3 sets I was gasping on the gym floor. It was at this moment, my mental strength dipped and I came close to crying. Its not easy pushing your body to the extreme and dieting - but i have come so far! So I got up and moved onto the next exercise.....

Today was D-day and I was running through my fitness tests as if it was Galaxy comp day. The first test was pull-ups. I didn't manage to get a full-rep (which was the goal) but i wasn't far off. I did kick myself and felt deflated that I hadnt hit my target. But Emma soon kicked that negativity out of me! She said I have to focus on each test with a new positive outlook - no negative. I know I can do this - I just need to believe in myself and in the next few weeks, focus on making my weaker tests stronger.

On a positive note, I did manage to smash some of my goals and get a few PB's - shuttle runs being one of them. I managed to knock another 1.5 seconds of my previous time - and I even forgot to take the last bean bag from Emma - DOH!
Box step and Box Jumps were another success; I managed to hit my goal and then some! Woohoo... Even with these triumphs I felt happy and invigorated to try even harder - however this week is focusing on sit-ups, tricep dips, pull-ups and bench press. I'll let you know how that goes.

Can't is not in my dictionary
Love this poster! Positivity is the key to achieve
In the next few weeks I have to train for Miss Galaxy and prep for Musclemania - the diet is changing as of tomorrow - yikes!! Emma has cut some more things out, so my energy levels will feel it this week. But this is what i signed up for and I have to take the rough with the smooth. The training i love, but the diet yes is VERY HARD!

So my lesson learnt this week; positive mental strength is vital to helping you get through the low times... that and a great family and friend network.

Anyway enough from me blabbing on; Im off bikini shopping now - need to find one for the comp! Wish me luck!

Little miss fitness


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