Saturday 16 August 2014

Fitness Tests - Part Deux!

Where to begin!

Oh my goodness so much has happened this week that i've had to split this blog into 2 - 1 for the madness of the later part of the week and Saturdays training and then 1 just on the Musclemania bootcamp i took part in!

But where did we leave off? Ah yes i had just bought that gorgeous tasting protein powder (i know you must be sick of hearing about it by now - but its just so good!) and id bought my comp shoes; which after breaking them in, are extremely comfortable!

So the later part of the week and before you guys ask, no I haven't managed to find a bikini yet. In fairness i haven't had much time to look - it was going to be my job this weekend, however i don't know how much time i will get to do it. And the comps are looming so i know i need to get my butt (pardon the pun) into gear. I do have to admit something to you all before we go on, which some of you may just roll your eyes at - I've felt guilty this week as i've had 2 rest days from the gym (wednesday & thursday). I have felt really tired the last few days and i'm not 100% sure why? I know it sounds silly but i am the type of person that if i set myself a goal i will want to achieve it with 150% effort in and having 1 rest day in the week seemed fair, but not 2. Call me crazy if you want...

Anyway, on a side note (not gym or competition related) the girls and guys at work managed to finishing packing up the office yesterday ready for the movers to come and take it to the new offices down the road. We even had time for a lunch break - however mine was spot the odd one out. The girls (rightly deserved) went and got pizza or fish & chips for their lunch, whilst i ate a chicken salad! Everyone worked so hard packing stuff up for the move, and it was friday after all.

My lunch, whilst everyone else ate chips/ pizza!

After we were told we could go, I picked up my bags and headed to the gym. Today i was determined to do bench press; work on my technique and to see how many reps i could do. Some might have said it wasn't wise as I had my session with Emma looming. But i've got a goal to hit and i will achieve it!
You know those annoying guys in the gym that make loud grunting noises when working out (usually in front of a mirror)....well whilst doing a set of bench press, i'm afraid to say I became one of those people. The set was really tough and i let out an almighty scream/grunt to get that last rep out. Im pretty sure i scared most of the guys in the weight section with that noise! Oh well..

Funny thing is though, I did it again today right in Emma's face when doing sit-ups! I kind of half screamed in her face - oops! I don't know what came over me, i just had the show the pain i was in, and that was by grunting!

Training today was focused on the other half of the fitness tests for Miss Galaxy; which was press-ups, trice dips, sit-ups, box jumps, shuttle runs and squat thrusts (so a lot to get through). I had to give myself a little talking to as a pick me up, as i was feeling tired! After we had gone through each of these tests, as if it was the competition - Em gave me some great pointers and a couple of exercises to work on so that i could achieve my targets for next week. Yep she has also upped my targets for next week and we are going to be running through the tests as if its the competition!  So one minute on, one minute rest - for 9 stations. (Pardon the language but i'm shitting a brick) It sounds like a lot but if i don't hit my targets for that minute, its like i would have taken a step back - which is not something i am wiling to accept!

Fitness and Bikini competition
Preparation is the key!
I felt good after my session with Emma today; as always. I seem to surprise my self every time I do these tests; I'm slowly creeping up the numbers each time even though my body is screaming in pain. Im learning so much about myself and that I have such stubbornness or sheer determination that I want to achieve my goal and stand on that stage and say it was all worth it!

Tomorrow is the Musclemania Britain bootcamp - I cant wait to meet some of the other girls and guys who will be competing! Stay tuned...

Till next time - Keep setting goals and working hard to achieve them!

Little miss fitness


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