Monday 25 August 2014

Success at last!!

Hallelujah.. I managed to find a red bikini!! 

What a successful weekend. The aim was to find a bikini and after traipsing round Brent cross for a good couple of hours on Saturday afternoon (with screaming children everywhere) - I stumbled upon Calzedonia the swimwear and lingerie shop. 

Oh my the choices were endless. They had so many different colours and styles, it was like a gift from heaven. I hadn't been able to find anything like this on the internet. The lovely shop assistant probably saw my excitement as she pretty much pounced on me whilst I was looking. Anyway I told her what I was looking for; the emphasis being on that the bikini bottom couldn't be a full brief-it had to be half (like a Brazilian cut). She got it straight away and started pulling out all manner of colours (blue,green, red and a pastel blue). With my arms full of bikinis, I went to try them on...I could see this taking a while. The pastel blue did not suit me so this went straight into the no bin. 

The only thing I found slightly perplexing whilst trying the bikinis on was that the shop assistants continually asked me how everything was going - I hadn't even got the first bikini off (give me chance)! Trying bikinis on is not new feat for many women but it's bloody fiddly in a small changing room when you have to do the straps up to the right tightness.

Sorry I digress - after trying all the bikinis I went for the red. I thought it suits me And could stand out on stage. So I left the shop a very happy customer; with a red bikini in toe and a new found determination to jazz/ bling it up 'Amy style' for Musclemania. Just to let you know we only have 19 days people till ill be up on stage! Thats 19 days till I'll be sticking Bikini bite (similar to tit tape) and spraying fake tan all over my body for the stage!! Nerves are kicking in now.

Musclemania poster!

The rest of the weekend was quite chilled. I spent some quality time with my boyfriend, most of it looking at the food I couldn't eat in the supermarket! Lol I have to admit (and might be a bit mushy) but he has been amazing whilst I've been training. It's not easy continually saying "no I can't eat that" and for someone to not roll their eyes or tempt you. I did have a little blip yesterday and yes the waterworks came...staying mentally strong all the time is really hard but after having a little cry I felt fine. So moral - crying is a way to release pent up emotions! 

And as its raining today - I'm going to do a bit of internet hunting to find some jewels/rhinestones to stick onto my bikini. The more bling I can put on it the better. I think a bit of fashion DIY is coming... Anyone got any top tips on what to do or not to do when blinging up a bikini?? 

Diamonds are a girls best friend...
This could go horribly wrong or surprisingly well, stay tuned for the after picture...

My monday thought - "Keep shining from the inside and people will see you sparkle on the outside"

Little Miss Fitness

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