Monday 23 February 2015

I cant keep it quiet any longer...

Wow it's the start of another week again; time just seems to be flying by; I cant keep up sometimes. Another good training session last week and on Saturday I did a killer legs/glutes workout. One thing I love about training is learning new exercises that target certain body parts. On Saturday, one of the PT's at Fitness First showed me a new exercises that target the outer part of your glutes - it felt odd to start with but trust me this one is a killer!!

Outer Leg Exercise: (12-15 reps each leg on lightweight)

  • Sit sideways on a leg press machine. 
  • Adjust the machine to a light weight (believe me its not about going heavy on this exercise). 
  • Your top leg should be placed half way up on the foot board, the lower leg should then just dangle beside the machine.
  • When your in a comfortable(ish) position, adjust the seat forward so that your knee comes to a right angle, in line with the ankle that is on the foot board. 
  • Release the seat so that it slides into the lowest slot. 
  • Place your hands on the side of the seat next to your shoulder. 
  • From your starting position, you are going to push up, through until your top leg is straight (you should feel the outer part of your bum working when doing so.)
  • Then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position and then drive up again to straighten the top leg.

As I said this exercise isn't about heavy weight; it gets your body focusing on a specific area of your glutes.

I have some very exciting news that I just cant hold it in any longer. In less than 2 weeks now I am going to be doing a photo-shoot with the fabulous Rebecca Andrews at Studio ELB; alongside some other amazing athletes who put their heart and soul into their training. Oh my goodness I can't tell you how excited I am. I haven't decided on outfits yet, so I guess I should get my butt into gear and sort some bits out. I've never done a shoot like this before, so am just training and dieting as if it was for stage. I'm starting to get nervous now; Emma will point me in the right direction, but biting my nails is not an option right now!! 

Just some Rebecca's amazing shots from Studio ELB already
Another exciting thing that happened last week, I was approached by The Athletic Colony to do an interview about winning Miss Galaxy win. I was stunned that someone was asking me to answer a couple of questions for an interview, but it was so cool. I had to try and jog my memory a bit, but it was an amazing opportunity to be asked by Oli. You can read the full interview here. There are success stories on their website from other fitness competitors, so go check it out. 

Snippet from my interview with The Athletic Colony
Countdown to Fit Factor: we are at 81 days now and now I'm trying to up my cardio to 2 sessions a week, plus all my weight training. Blasting body fat isn't easy and I'm starting to feel a little tired but I've got to power through.

Right i'm off to the land of nod my gorgeous people. Rest and recovery are key...and boy do I love my bed!

Little Miss Fitness

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Sweet or Savoury??

So as its Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) I thought I would follow the crowd and make a batch of pancakes. But I wanted to try and do something different from the traditional batter of flour, eggs and milk etc and in order for me to keep my diet clean, whilst training for Fit Factor I've had to find a recipe that kind of fits in with my plan.

So I did a bit of research and came across a really simple recipe that uses Almond flour instead. Wahey!! Low carbs and a new cooking experiment! Lets see what havoc I can cause in the kitchen.

Low Carb Almond Flour Pancakes:

Recipe: Makes 6 pancakes (dependant on whether you like large or small pancakes)
NOTE: These pancakes are not thin, they are a little more dense (similar to the american style pancakes) 

1 cup of Almond Flour (whatever brand you can find)
1/4 almond milk (unsweetened) or water if you prefer
2 eggs (medium)
2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil 
1 tablespoon of agave nectar (dark or light)
1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Prep time: 5-10 mins max
Cooking: approx. 5 mins

1) Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl & whisk together to form a batter. Put to one side.
2) Heat a saute pan or frying pan, on a medium heat with a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil.
3) When the pan is hot enough, take a nice big tablespoon of the batter and drop it into the middle of the pan.
4) Wait for the edges to brown, and then gently flip the pancakes over and let them brown on the other side (this should take between 30 seconds - 1 minute)
5) Once cooked on both sides, simply dish up straight away with your favourite topping. Mine's Nutella hands down, but whats yours?

I've finished making my batch now; the first few were a little bit of a disaster but I got the hang of it by the 3rd go! And they say 3 times a charm...

Tadaaa...they smell better than they look
Now I am planning to save these as my breakfast tomorrow (madness I know), however I did have a cheeky bite (or 2) from one of them. They taste delicious on their own, with a slight sweetness to them - but you can go the traditional way and put lemon and sugar on top or Nutella or why not try savoury with cottage cheese or prosciutto?

Tomorrow is another early morning rise to hit the gym before work. Today was spin, which definitely got me working up a sweat. Tomorrow abs are on the agenda, and then before the week is out, I've got to cram in another legs session, back, arms and some more HIIT. Wow, lots to do so I best get to bed and get some rest, whilst dreaming about my pancake breakfast tomorrow.. yummy!!

Little Miss Fitness

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Strong Beats Skinny!!

Another great start to the week; I'm feeling strong which makes a change from a couple of weeks ago. Last night I dead lift 70kg for 8 reps for the very first time in my life! For some it may not sound a lot but for me thats a PB and having long legs, I have further to lift. Well that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it. So this week and last week were both good starts and on legs, which are my least favourite sessions, perhaps I should start training them on a Monday?! Leg press also went up and beat last weeks PB; 170kg this week and leg curl burnouts are up to 20kg for 3 sets. I feel like progress is being made, which is a nice feeling. 

What goals have you guys achieved so far this week? It can be anything big or small; I love to know if you feel the same way when achieving something you work hard for.

Since I started training properly and with the guidance from people, I've learnt that you'll have good days/weeks and bad. Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and patience. So for someone like me who likes to run before she can walk it was really frustrating not seeing results automatically. Im not the most patient of people, so its taught me that patience and determination are key. So when I see my friends frustrated or upset they aren't seeing results I try to keep them positive and focused on what they're trying to achieve. I have my off days too, which is why i look to my friends and family for support. Mental strength is half the battle!!

Tuesday morning treat - time to get strapped in..
So time on the countdown clock till Fit Factor? We have 94 days and counting not much time when we think how quick it will go. Picking up the training and trying to keep to a strict diet is a tough routine to get back into but not impossible. Do you know of anyone else competing this year? Or are you competing? 

I made another batch of homemade Quest protein bars at the weekend. Thanks to the genius that is Simon Roshdy, from The Diet Kitchen for this simple recipe. This time I have  adapted the cookies & cream recipe for a few new flavours - think chocolate, coconut and chillies. Since I've started using vitafiber I love it, I can't stop. I'm still on the quest to try some more recipes from Simon's YouTube channel; that might be homework for tonight. I'll post the recipe for the Quest protein bars sometime this week for you. 

Shhhh.. youll have to wait and see
Ooo before I go I have some really exciting news. In just over 3 weeks time I will be taking part in something big, with a well-known name in her industry. But its top secret for now so stay tuned, you'll find out soon...

Little Miss Fitness,

Monday 2 February 2015

Mondays are made to be broken

So today was one of many firsts. For one I've never done a legs session on a Monday night, and as its a new month I thought I would mix it up by doing cardio at the end of my workout. I've read a couple of articles recently, suggesting that doing cardio after a weights session can help burn more fat than doing it before a workout. As I'm one for a challenge, I wanted to see how this went...

Well I can tell you now that after tonight's session, the treadmill became the devil! My legs just felt like jelly - but I will persevere and do it again tomorrow after my shoulder/ back workout.

I also broke some PB's; Monday's are fast becoming a day for things to be challenged and broken. Todays PB's were;
167KG Seated Leg Press
60KG Straight Leg Deadlift
45KG Squat

This is how i feel right now
I felt strong today in the gym; I guess I should take it as a good sign that this week will be better in the gym. Lets see what other PB's I can break - whose up to see this challenge through with me?

And now for a victory dinner deserving of such a workout - I love adding new vegetables and spices to this Chicken stir-fry. I've popped the recipe below, so you can create your own. Its healthy, quick and tastes yummy - so all round winner.

Victory Dinner; get in
Recipe for Chicken & Vegetable Stir-Fry: (serves 2-3)

2 Chicken breasts, into chopped medium sized chunks (smaller chunks will cook quicker)
1/2 head of brocolli 
2 handfuls of sweetcorn (can be frozen)
1 handful of broad beans (can be frozen)
1 red pepper (chopped)
1 handful of fine beans (chopped)
2 gloves of garlic, grated
3cm of fresh finer, grated
1 tsp of light soya sauce
1 tbsp of organic Agave

Optional: 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice

Prep time: 10-15 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins
- Put a bit of olive oil into a wok and let it heat up
- Pop the chicken into the wok and fry between 5-10 minutes (cut a piece open to check its cooked).
- Before placing the chicken in a bowl to one side - throw in the grated garlic & ginger.
- Use the same wok, no need to add any additional oil 
- Throw in the vegetables altogether and stir-fry for a good couple of minutes. After a few minutes, stir in the Agave and light soya sauce.
- Just before serving, put the pre-cooked chicken back into the wok.
- Ey Voila! You want to waste time eating this....

- Optional: if you want to add some carbs - then throw in the brown rice towards the end with the pre-cooked chicken. Mix everything together, then serve and enjoy! 

Little Miss Fitness