Showing posts with label Fitness exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness exercise. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Strong Beats Skinny!!

Another great start to the week; I'm feeling strong which makes a change from a couple of weeks ago. Last night I dead lift 70kg for 8 reps for the very first time in my life! For some it may not sound a lot but for me thats a PB and having long legs, I have further to lift. Well that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it. So this week and last week were both good starts and on legs, which are my least favourite sessions, perhaps I should start training them on a Monday?! Leg press also went up and beat last weeks PB; 170kg this week and leg curl burnouts are up to 20kg for 3 sets. I feel like progress is being made, which is a nice feeling. 

What goals have you guys achieved so far this week? It can be anything big or small; I love to know if you feel the same way when achieving something you work hard for.

Since I started training properly and with the guidance from people, I've learnt that you'll have good days/weeks and bad. Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and patience. So for someone like me who likes to run before she can walk it was really frustrating not seeing results automatically. Im not the most patient of people, so its taught me that patience and determination are key. So when I see my friends frustrated or upset they aren't seeing results I try to keep them positive and focused on what they're trying to achieve. I have my off days too, which is why i look to my friends and family for support. Mental strength is half the battle!!

Tuesday morning treat - time to get strapped in..
So time on the countdown clock till Fit Factor? We have 94 days and counting not much time when we think how quick it will go. Picking up the training and trying to keep to a strict diet is a tough routine to get back into but not impossible. Do you know of anyone else competing this year? Or are you competing? 

I made another batch of homemade Quest protein bars at the weekend. Thanks to the genius that is Simon Roshdy, from The Diet Kitchen for this simple recipe. This time I have  adapted the cookies & cream recipe for a few new flavours - think chocolate, coconut and chillies. Since I've started using vitafiber I love it, I can't stop. I'm still on the quest to try some more recipes from Simon's YouTube channel; that might be homework for tonight. I'll post the recipe for the Quest protein bars sometime this week for you. 

Shhhh.. youll have to wait and see
Ooo before I go I have some really exciting news. In just over 3 weeks time I will be taking part in something big, with a well-known name in her industry. But its top secret for now so stay tuned, you'll find out soon...

Little Miss Fitness,

Saturday 17 January 2015

We are MACHINES...

Final day everyone - day 6 of the detox! 

Oh my goodness, I have had a great time this week; its been such a laugh with the guys that have taken part. The early morning starts (yes, even on my day off) were hard but once the workout was done and we had a giggle, you could get on with the rest of your day. I will miss the guys who have done the detox this week, but i will definitely continue mixing and matching with the healthy diet.

Guess the flavour in todays smoothie...

 I’ve made a decision from this week to try and workout more in the mornings. It wakes me up, they fit in with work and my social life a lot easier. The gym and your diet should fit INTO your lifestyle and not just be something you do for a month or two. However come March, it will be upping the training for Fit Factor in May at the NEC. I’ll admit now, the dieting for this competition I'm not looking forward too, and im sure a few other people aren’t either – sorry!

During this weeks detox, I've picked up some useful tips that you could use as well, if you struggle to get out of bed (like I do) for an early gym session.

1) Put your phone/ clock away from your bedside. That way you have to get up and turn it off! Once you're out of bed you can get going.
2) Prepped your food/ clothes for work and even handbag before going to bed. That way its less of a ball ache in the morning, rushing around for things.
3) Wash your face with cold water. There may not be any science behind this but the it will certainly wake you up!
The ELB Detox Gang, not so fresh after our workout...
Going back to yesterdays session, not only did I do our 7am circuit class but straight after this, Emma worked me hard on my glutes - yes a double session! I am insane, but who wants to be boring?! Not me.

The main bits I want to train and work on this year is my butt. I keep saying I want a bubble-butt and I'm determined to get one. So Em took me through my paces yesterday with heavy weights and plyometric exercises to fire up my butt! My god it was hard, but i felt it working.

Ive got a little treat for you guys next week but you'll have to wait and see what it is..

Till next time;
Little miss fitness

Saturday 27 December 2014

Very Merry Christmas...

Family time is the best time:

So Christmas is officially over now and what a year its been... A year of firsts for me. Its been a time for reflection and to look back on what has happened in the last 12 months. When I start thinking, so much has happened, and only in the short space of 6 months. I met a wonderful boyfriend who stood by me and supported me through all my training. I trained to compete in my very first bikini competition and came 2nd in my category at Musclemania Britain in September. I then carried on training for the big fitness and stage competition Miss Galaxy Universe in November. And I won which i can't believe still happened. I also started a blog, in which I could document all the bits and pieces for my training and diet etc. As a result of this, its given me some new goals for 2015 which will be an even bigger year.

But this christmas has definitely opened my eyes to be thankful for everything I have (and not just materialistic things) as so many people in life do not have anything. Family, friends and partners should be the things you treasure most, as they guide you through tough times and bring you out the other side.  So I just want to say a huge thank you to all those who have helped me this year; you know who you are....

It's been a nice, quiet affair this christmas with just my mum and stepdad. So Christmas day wasn't spent rushing around for mum and 13 people like usual. No this year, I was the one cooking Christmas lunch and it was only for 3 people - just to ease me in gently for my first Christmas lunch. It was nice just the 3 of us; there wasn't any pressure to eat that extra chocolate (although i'm afraid to say i did!). I don't think this year I ate as much as last year, however i could be wrong, the scales will be the decider! 

I did get some wonderful presents from my family and friends. Check out these bad boys; I cant wait to wear them in the gym; at least you'll be able to spot me in a crowd.

Keep running, running and running....

I also got this little beauty from my folks, now i have no excuse to say i'm not a morning person!

I've never been a morning person...

I have kept my promise and trained over Christmas, however not as hard as I would usually. So now Christmas is over and it's time to work off all that food that's been consumed over the pst week. A good time go start those new year resolutions early, with a January detox. If you want to change your outlook on healthy eating and shed any unwanted weight gained over Christmas, Emma's detox will do just that.

Interested? Contact Studio ELB for more info

And so to start my New Years resolutions earlier, check out my new Facebook page for top tips, advice and me trying out nutrition recipes on

Happy New Year

Little Miss Fitness;