Saturday 17 January 2015

We are MACHINES...

Final day everyone - day 6 of the detox! 

Oh my goodness, I have had a great time this week; its been such a laugh with the guys that have taken part. The early morning starts (yes, even on my day off) were hard but once the workout was done and we had a giggle, you could get on with the rest of your day. I will miss the guys who have done the detox this week, but i will definitely continue mixing and matching with the healthy diet.

Guess the flavour in todays smoothie...

 I’ve made a decision from this week to try and workout more in the mornings. It wakes me up, they fit in with work and my social life a lot easier. The gym and your diet should fit INTO your lifestyle and not just be something you do for a month or two. However come March, it will be upping the training for Fit Factor in May at the NEC. I’ll admit now, the dieting for this competition I'm not looking forward too, and im sure a few other people aren’t either – sorry!

During this weeks detox, I've picked up some useful tips that you could use as well, if you struggle to get out of bed (like I do) for an early gym session.

1) Put your phone/ clock away from your bedside. That way you have to get up and turn it off! Once you're out of bed you can get going.
2) Prepped your food/ clothes for work and even handbag before going to bed. That way its less of a ball ache in the morning, rushing around for things.
3) Wash your face with cold water. There may not be any science behind this but the it will certainly wake you up!
The ELB Detox Gang, not so fresh after our workout...
Going back to yesterdays session, not only did I do our 7am circuit class but straight after this, Emma worked me hard on my glutes - yes a double session! I am insane, but who wants to be boring?! Not me.

The main bits I want to train and work on this year is my butt. I keep saying I want a bubble-butt and I'm determined to get one. So Em took me through my paces yesterday with heavy weights and plyometric exercises to fire up my butt! My god it was hard, but i felt it working.

Ive got a little treat for you guys next week but you'll have to wait and see what it is..

Till next time;
Little miss fitness

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