Tuesday 5 August 2014

New diet/ new outlook!

What happens next?

This week has started off quite calm in comparison to others. I think I'm starting to adjust to the dieting and exercise (although both still remain ridiculously tough). Although I'm getting used to knowing when I'm actually hungry as to when I think I'm hungry. I've shocked myself at how bad I was before starting this diet. Before if my tummy so much as started to rumble I would eat. Now most of you may scream "but that's because your hungry-you should eat something"! Well try this, have a tea or coffee of even drink half a glass of water and believe me you'll know soon after if you are truly hungry or just finding an excuse. 

Its been about 4/5 weeks now of Emma's first diet phase (yep really...time flies!) so it's time to move onto phase 2! This mix up of diet is amazing-I can finally use my blender to make a smoothie for breakfast! I could have kissed Emma when I saw this on her email...and I get poached eggs on toast-things are looking up! It's salmon and roasted vegetables for lunch today, that should make me work harder in the gym!

Best post-workout lunch! Salmon and roasted veggie's

So to recap on what else has happened this week. I got my body fat checked at the beginning of this week. I should have got this checked at the start of training so I could compare, but me being me (blonde!) didn't think! Anyway, Julio at fitness first was very obliging and helped me out. Well who knew you had to take so many measurements to get an overall reading! Julio used his "pinchers" on my chin, cheek, side abs, calves, quads, back..you name it he took a measurement. No dirty thoughts there people please! After all of this the app he used told him (..and me) where I hold most of my fat-turns out it's my hamstrings and my front abs. Yes you heard right! 

So some great news to the start of the week that is helping me stay motivated and on track. If I'm honest I would like to start seeing some more results in my body but I know I've got time (ish) so I need to be patient. Although being patient is not my strong suit..my family are now shaking their heads emphatically!!haha 

Motivation to keep going!
Ah and another bit of encouraging news; I got an amazing email from fitness first today! It said that out of all their members I was in the top 10% of attendees to their gym. So there's no disguising whether I'm going to the gym or not, because even fitness first are keeping an eye on me!lol And yes I tweeted about this - it can't be bad to be proud of this right?

Start the day of right with porridge and pumpkin seeds.

So Saturday is looming and yes that means my next session with miss elite herself Emma (ELB) Burrows. I wonder what she's got in store for me this weekend...I don't think it's going to be stage walking, although I must admit I need to keep practising this!

So stay tuned and find out what killer session I will put through!

Then it's one week till my first Musclemania workshop with none other than Ty-Og and Emma. The pictures for the first session looked amazing-some amazing people and bodies, so I'm pumped for what I'm going to learn in the session on the 17th.

Anyway-time for me to sign off!

Till next time-stay fit and focused!

Little miss fitnes 

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