Mental Strength can make or break you;
I'm sorry to anyone who usually reads my blogs; I've not posted in a while but I'm sure you can guess by the title of this blog post that it been a manic, headless chicken type week. I'm not going to lie its been horrible, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Early morning starts (I'm not a morning person) and pushing my body further, even though it's exhausted and wants to rest. However there is no rest for the wicked. I feel sorry for my mum and boyfriend who've had to suffer in silence will I cry and moan about anything and everything - sorry! They must want to put a muzzle on me by now. I've also been up to Manchester for work too, which is always a long journey and if at the start of the week, just makes the week seem that bit longer.
However every cloud must have its silver lining and now we are at the 3 week mark. Training this week I have worked my glutes (yes I'm aiming for a bubble butt), arms, ran through my fitness tests and abs. I have, amazingly achieved some milestones that a month ago I couldn't even do or thought I'd never be able to do. You know the saying that practise makes perfect; well, whoever said that must have been doing something like Miss Galaxy! Pull-ups are coming and every time I get 1 more in the gym I do a little celebratory dance and sigh with relief. I know I must look rather odd doing a dance in the gym but I think pull-ups were the last of my mental barriers and weaknesses I needed to conquer. Now I can take on the world!mwhahaha only kidding
My diet this week has been ok, I'm slowly but surely falling in love with my veggie omelette; adding smoked paprika, garlic and chives just adds that bit of magic. Adding chicken would just be icing on the cake. Protein pancakes and banana have also made a welcomed return into my life for breakie...if you haven't tried them then do so, they will fill you up till lunchtime (well almost for me!lol).
hello old friend...i'm glad to see you again! |
I had a staging session with Emma last night which went really well. We've now chosen my evening wear and started putting bits and pieces together for my routine. I have even brought my prop for the show - I can't give anything away about my routine or costume though for those eager beavers. Those of you who are coming to watch the show, you'll see in 3 weeks time.. For those of you who can't make it, there'll be pictures up soon after the show. I'm excited about this costume, it's different and a little eccentric, I'm enjoying it though.
So the weekend is continuing with training - tomorrow is track day with Emma and then yoga on Sunday. I need to rest my mind and strength and yoga is perfect for that. It's not hot yoga, I probably wouldn't come out alive with that kind of heat! Lol So again no hockey for me which is saddening. Id love to be able to do both, but I think that's me being greedy and trying to do everything. Then Monday is rest day.
I think id need an ambulance if i tried this pose... |
Wish me luck with Emma tomorrow, I think there's a parachute involved? I've already done a skydive so unless me has a plane and can fly I doubt the parachute is going to be used for that.
Till next time;
Little Miss Fitness