Sunday 20 July 2014

Sunday is a day of rest??

No rest for the wicked!

So it's Sunday morning and I'm up before 8am! Whatever happened to Sunday being the day of rest?! Well this is my wake up call..steaming black coffee; so got my caffeine kick and it smells delicious..

Not long after doing my domestic duties, i grab my gear and head out the door to the gym! This isn't a first for me (working out on weekends) but its certainly rare. In the winter months, Im usually heading out the door to go and play hockey, but as the season hasn't started yet, gyming it on a weekend is new found friendship. 

Whilst I'm waiting at the station, so many people awkwardly turn and look with what maybe curiosity or judgement - Im not sure and not really bothered! All I'm thinking is at least the gym will be quiet today so ill be guaranteed first dibs on the machines! Lol

No-one on the treadmills..
Where is  everyone? Did i say something?

Well I wasn't kidding when i said the gym would be quiet - this is the cardio room which is usually jam packed at lunchtimes and evenings during the week. Oh the choices; which machine to use for my warm-up?! Such a hard decision but eventually i chose the cross-trainer. The only downside to the session this morning was that the music was scarce - it was eerily quiet like a ghost town! It didn't really put you in the best frame of mind to work out - but that i couldn't use as an excuse! 

Heading downstairs to the weights room, I did a bit of work on biceps - then sped onto the gym floor to work on bodyweight with the TRX. After burning my triceps and biceps on the TRX it was to the swiss balls for lower abs, although in between sets I had an urge for some cheeky playtime...

Having a bit of fun whilst resting
Where's Amy? Can you spot me? 
Playtime was over and it was back to work; I finished off with knee raises and low scissor kicks. One day i'll sketch some of my exercises for you to see - and probably laugh at with my lack of  drawing skills! Home ward bound and i took a nice stroll back to the train station; its a gorgeous day and i didn't want to waste the sun.  My BFF Miles is coming round later, so I will have to make sure food and stuff is prepped for tomorrow before she comes. Well you know what us girls are like once we start talking  ;-)...

You are what you eat!
Reward for todays activities...mmmmm
So tomorrow is a new week; full of challenges and i want to turn it up a bit - Emma's back this week from her hols in Vegas and Saturday is be a killer!

Till next time - stay fit!

Little miss fitness


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