Showing posts with label Benchpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benchpress. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 July 2014

There's a first for everything!

Success!!! No Pain..No Gain

So as I said in my last post I wonder what Ill mix up in the gym next time around? Well either ive gone insane or just like pain, ive decided to try bench press tonight. And not just any light-weight bench press. No I have gone one, two even three steps further and want to see if i can bench 1/2 my body weight.. (thats 30KG for those of who dont know my weight!)

Monday 7 July 2014

Chin-up and Sit-up! Pay Attention..

Chin-up girls! Its never as bad as you think!

So today I was dreading; as i had set myself the task of training pull-ups and chin-ups... arghhhh! For someone who trains in the gym (regularly) and does arms I have never really done pull-ups or chin ups. Emma gave me some advice to build up some strength for this; superset! So i started on a light-weight on the pull-up machine then dropped it to a heavier weight to finish the set off. I can only say 2 words...NOT EASY!