Friday, 10 October 2014

What a week!!

Mental Strength can make or break you;

I'm sorry to anyone who usually reads my blogs; I've not posted in a while but I'm sure you can guess by the title of this blog post that it been a manic, headless chicken type week. I'm not going to lie its been horrible, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Early morning starts (I'm not a morning person) and pushing my body further, even though it's exhausted and wants to rest. However there is no rest for the wicked. I feel sorry for my mum and boyfriend who've had to suffer in silence will I cry and moan about anything and everything - sorry! They must want to put a muzzle on me by now. I've also been up to Manchester for work too, which is always a long journey and if at the start of the week, just makes the week seem that bit longer.

However every cloud must have its silver lining and now we are at the 3 week mark. Training this week I have worked my glutes (yes I'm aiming for a bubble butt), arms, ran through my fitness tests and abs. I have, amazingly achieved some milestones that a month ago I couldn't even do or thought I'd never be able to do. You know the saying that practise makes perfect; well, whoever said that must have been doing something like Miss Galaxy! Pull-ups are coming and every time I get 1 more in the gym I do a little celebratory dance and sigh with relief. I know I must look rather odd doing a dance in the gym but I think pull-ups were the last of my mental barriers and weaknesses I needed to conquer. Now I can take on the world!mwhahaha only kidding

My diet this week has been ok, I'm slowly but surely falling in love with my veggie omelette; adding smoked paprika, garlic and chives just adds that bit of magic. Adding chicken would just be icing on the cake. Protein pancakes and banana have also made a welcomed return into my life for breakie...if you haven't tried them then do so, they will fill you up till lunchtime (well almost for me!lol).

hello old friend...i'm glad to see you again!
I had a staging session with Emma last night which went really well. We've now chosen my evening wear and started putting bits and pieces together for my routine. I have even brought my prop for the show - I can't give anything away about my routine or costume though for those eager beavers. Those of you who are coming to watch the show, you'll see in 3 weeks time.. For those of you who can't make it, there'll be pictures up soon after the show. I'm excited about this costume, it's different and a little eccentric, I'm enjoying it though.

So the weekend is continuing with training - tomorrow is track day with Emma and then yoga on Sunday. I need to rest my mind and strength and yoga is perfect for that. It's not hot yoga, I probably wouldn't come out alive with that kind of heat! Lol So again no hockey for me which is saddening. Id love to be able to do both, but I think that's me being greedy and trying to do everything. Then Monday is rest day.

I think id need an ambulance if i tried this pose...
Wish me luck with Emma tomorrow, I think there's a parachute involved? I've already done a skydive so unless me has a plane and can fly I doubt the parachute is going to be used for that.

Till next time;

Little Miss Fitness 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

4 week countdown...

So its started, the 4 week countdown, it may sound a long way off, but trust me when I say it will go by in a flash. I'm training 6 times this week (yep no rest for the wicked). Emma has come up with a cleverly devised programme for the next 4 weeks for training and diet! But by Sunday 2nd November the journey will be over. I'm not going to think about it, as I'll still have hockey and I will still use my blog to keep you all up to date with how things are going with that. You can't get rid of me that easily!lol 

Anyway to start off the week, I've had to write down my plan and schedule again, the days I'm training and what I'm going to train. If I don't then I'm bound to forget something and after the weekends cock up of being an hour late for our hockey match (12pm push back not meet) I have to start writing things down! My memory is worse than my 80 year old nana at the moment. One day I'll probably forget to get dressed and rock up to the office in my pj's still. Now that would be a site.

I'm sure it will be surreal once miss galaxy is over. It's been the main competition that I've trained for the last 4 months, training after work, fitness tests, eating clean etc. But I've got my holiday to Barbados to look forward to with mum and Emma Miles. I haven't been on holiday with Emma before so this is going to be a first for me. I can't wait for the sun, sea, sand..oh wait and rum punch!

Sorry back to reality and training, yesterday was the start of this weeks programme and I bashed out my upper body workout - bench press, pull ups, lat pull downs and tricep dips. My arms were like pop-eyes afterwards!!lol They are even still a little sore today. I'm still pretending to be a monkey with pull ups and hanging off anything. Today is a rest day though as I had to get up early for a 2 hour train trip up to Manchester to visit our head office. So today is going to be a long day as it's a 2 hour trip back. Fun fun! 

Lifting does not make you makes you lean!

The rest of the week will be in the gym and then Saturday session with Emma on the track. I'm nervous (actually crapping myself) but yet slightly curios/excited about what we are going to do. I haven't been on an athletics track since high school - if brings back flashbacks. Oh well we'll see how I get on. 

Oh before I go - does anyone know of good yoga classes to go in and around Central London (oxford circus way)? Tweet me or Facebook me if you do please. 

Till next time

Little miss fitness 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Bubble butt's the name..

Don't wear it out!!

Back to hockey training this week although I was quite late getting there!! Bloody trains have been a nightmare this week - it probably would have been quicker to walk! First Capital Connect are crap..

Anyway hockey training was good; a good cardio session with sticks - luckily I didn't get hurt! Always a bonus.. We are playing at Broxbourne (which i need to get directions for!) on Saturday which I'm psyched about. Ah no; I've just seen the weather and it's supposed to tip it down, well that's put a bit of a damper on things. More because you cant grip the stick properly when it's raining! I've got a good feeling about this season. I think we are going to smash it! We've got so many talented players coming through it's so nice to see. And they are so young, it's makes me feel so old, and I'm in between a youngster and a veteran! 

Ended last season on a high! Lets do it again...

I've got my killer session with Emma today and she has already told me my butt is going to be worked!Lol She said that she wants me to get a bigger butt and Im not one to disagree with my trainer-she knows best! I've always wanted a bigger butt; it's just going to need grit, blood sweat and tears! Oh dear here I come studio ELB. I'll let you know how i get on....(scared shitless rings a bell right now!)

What else have I been up to this apart from hosting my BFF Dani whose been working in London all week. I've managed to book my hotel down in Gatwick for the competition, as well as my photographs with Lowell Mason for miss galaxy. Slowly but surely I'm getting more and more stuff prepared. All I need to do now is costume, and sort out my tan, which is going to be a little more difficult than Musclemania. The tanning station isnt based in Crawley and I don't think they would be willing to travel all the way just for me! Lol I need a plan B.. Any suggestions would be great?!!

So its 4 weeks and counting as of today!! Training is going well so far and the diet will take its toll but not long now till I can give my body a rest. I'll have been doing this for 4 months at the end of it all, which is so hard to do for this length of time. I have so much respect and admiration for the girls and guys that do this full time and have been doing it for years. I salute you. I think after the competition my training will continue to be quiet high intensity (after my holiday of relaxing, sipping rum punch and eating flying fish) but it will be nice to not be restricted to a specific diet plan.

Anyway I've got to run (literally) or I'll be late for Emma and that's never good - as I will be punished..I'll let you know how I get on.

Till next time;

Little miss fitness 

Monday, 29 September 2014

Take on the universe

Bootcamp! Military style

Well it was my first bootcamp for miss galaxy at the weekend and I really enjoyed it! No hockey match I'm afraid and I was gutted to hear that we lost to beford. But this weekend is a new game and training on Wednesday night. So back to fitness and skills-hope my body is ready..

Friday night I was absolutely shattered, I literally fell asleep on my sofa for most of the night and then had to head to bed, the week clearly just wiped me out. I have to admit I had a down day on Friday, which I think stemmed from being tired. I felt lazy and as it was a rest day in the gym, I felt I hadn't worked out so my brain started thinking and doubting!! Not good 5 weeks out. But I got an early night and felt so much better in the morning.

I wish I was this cute when sleeping..

So back to the bootcamp - it was military style. Got to the southgate where it was being held and we started with fitness. I was a little bit late, so I was worried that they would have started without me. Anyway the fitness exercises were a killer. Oh boy my legs are killing now! So many burpees, squats and press-ups; they all merged into 1! Chris and Tracy from miss galaxy took the fitness exercises and they were cruel!! All in good preparation I guess for the fitness tests that I'll be doing on the 31st October. Although these have slightly changed now and I don't know what to - a lot of it is being kept a surprise until the week before. All I know is that it's on an athlete track. Yikes!!lol lots of running I fear. However chin-ups are still staying in and I have to make sure I can do at least 6! So I figured I'm just going to have to pretend to be a monkey for the next 5 weeks!

Once we had finished the insane fitness class it was onto and into bikinis for some walking and posing. This was so nice, there were a few ladies that were a bit nervous but they were all so good. They looked amazing in their bikinis and showing off their bodies! They oozed confidence and it made me feel more comfortable and excited for the show. I can't wait to share a stage with them. They have worked so hard, and dedicated so much to it. 

My next steps are to train on fitness tests with Emma, practise my walking and posing routine...oh and yeh sort out my costume..I don't have a lot to do do I!lol Tanning, book hotel to stay on the Friday night, make-up hair..oh it's like déjà-vu. 

Anyway I'm not going to bore you with my list of jobs to do anymore. All you've got to watch out for are updates on my fitness skills and how the prep is coming with my costume. It's got to stand out and wow - and in an oriental theme! My creative brain needs to kick into gear!!

Till next time. 

Little miss fitnes

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Another dawn another gym session

Time to do it all over again!

It's early right now and I'm on my way to the gym for an early session before work. It's just under 6 weeks till Miss Galaxy and I know that time is going to go by in a flash.

I feel a little more at ease now I've done Musclemania but I'm still nervous about Miss Galaxy and getting up on stage. I don't want to have my legs shake whilst being judged. Perhaps I should take it as a positive thing though? I am definitely going to go out and enjoy myself, from what I've heard its going to be a spectucular show! I need to start doing some serious research though on themed bikinis and evening wear.

This week has gone well; the highlight of it has to be achieving my biggest weakest in the fitness tests. Yes people I managed to do pull-ups!! Wohoo.. Is it weird/ sad that I'm elated by that? 2 weeks ago I hadn't been able to do any and what seems from out of nowhere i am able to do them. It's definitely given me a boost mentally and physically. Some of the other fitness tests that Em and I ran through this week didn't change from the last time i did them, so i know that i need to work harder to increase these PB's by 1 or 2 every time. It wont be easy but theres not long left of this challenge, i've just got to keep my mind on track and focused. The support i'm still getting from everyone is unbelievable - I think i may need to buy everyone a drink after the competitions are done. Although I think I will be flat broke if I did this! 

Saturday is my first Galaxy bootcamp and I'm so excited about it. It's only down the road from me, which is great. I don't know whats going to happen during the day, but i've got a checklist of what to take (which includes stage shoes). Ah i guess Ill have to get those bad boys out again! My feet are going to love me! Not...I'm really looking forward to meeting some of the other girls who are competing in the show. We've chatted on Facebook but it will be really nice to meet everyone. I felt so much more relaxed after meeting some of the girls and guys at the Musclemania bootcamps; I didn't feel as nervous, because you knew other competitors were feeling the same.

Going to have to get these bad boys back out.
So unfortunately no hockey for me this weekend but I'm back to it next weekend. I wish the Tring ladies 1's good luck, I know they'll smash it and have another win for the club. I'm gutted I'm going to miss it but I guess you can't be in 2 places at once...or can you? Anyone got a time machine?? I had so many bruises from last weekend's match that I think playing hockey in the last week before I may have careful of. I can't be getting injured now, we've got enough injuries just in the office, and I can't jinx it!

Anyway have a fabulous weekend everyone. Till next time;

Little miss fitness

Monday, 22 September 2014

To the next stage.

Time to get cracking - eat clean, train hard!

It's been a week now since Musclemania Britain and it feels so long ago now. It's crazy how time is going so quickly. Lots happened last week, but one thing that I really enjoyed was that I didn't have to eat ridiculous clean. I wasn't on any food plan but I just had to make healthy choices - which wasn't too difficult. However it was sooo tempting to be naughty and have cake, ice-cream and doughnuts. However a couple of days after the show, I did feel so bloated and looked about 6 months pregnant. That was really uncomfortable, but Emma said completely natural after a competition to bloat slightly. Ill have to be really careful when coming out of the Miss Galaxy show with what I eat. Emma's nutritionist coach, Simon Roshdy said that it can take the same amount of time to get back to normal, as it did dieting and eating clean. Oh boy theres some work ahead!

Me and the Tall Bikini girls with our trophies..
I am so nervous at this point...cheesy smile!!
Trying to hold poses like this is tough...
Theme wear round for bikini...
Hope I dont poke my eye out with my stick...

The Hockey season has also started, which I am sooo excited about! It's been way too long since I picked up a stick, but it's kind of like riding a bike. It was the first league game of the season this weekend and we had a storming game 6-1 against harpenden ladies, and some amazing goals from Holly, Daisy, Lizzy and Jenny. I think we all played so well and Lizzy was just on fire on the left hand side. I was really glad I didn't fall over or play more football thank hockey! I did however get a hockey stick smacked into my knee, so I've got a bit of a pearler coming through. Oh the joys of playing a non-contact sport?!lol I think when it gets close to Miss Galaxy I may have to be a bit more careful with hockey and matches, I don't think having a black bruise on stage is going to gain my extra points.

The ball is there somewhere...
Which way am i supposed to be going again???
Hockey training was amazing last week, it was so nice to get back into it. We started off with 2 laps of the pitch and then sprints - just to get the heart pumping! Then drills and game play. We finished off playing a game against the men, which is always fun, and rather fast! It's hard to bloody keep up with them. I think the start of the new hockey season is probably why I've got so many bruises over my body. Thanks to Tom and Tom for doing training and putting us through our paces..

So back to Miss Galaxy training hard this week. I trained last week but now it's back to eating clean and training even harder. The fitness tests are not going to be a push over. Lots of eggs being eaten this week too, so let's see how that works out! Im going to be training with Emma tomorrow, which I'm looking forward too, then hockey training on Wednesday night. I don't know how it's all going to fit in! Can you grow an extra pair of arms in a few days? If anyone does know give me a shout! Haha 

I'm also going to have to get my butt into gear and organise things for the show. Miss Galaxy is not far away (6 weeks) and there's a few things aka, costume, hotel, spray tans etc that I need to organise. As the shows in Crawley I need to organise how spray tans are going to work. How well onto this week - I have no doubt it will go by in a flash. Then its bootcamp on Saturday for Galaxy, which I'm excited to meet the other girls.

Till next time;

Little miss fitness 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Musclemania Baby! - part 2

The Story continues...

So onto the stage we all went to start the show..I thought I was fine before walking out, but as soon as those lights hit me and the crowds cheering, my legs went like jelly. I was so sure my legs would give way and id fall flat on my face infront of everyone. What a palava that would have been, so I'm glad I didn't.

Talking of being on stage, oh my god it was incredible! To hear all the people that had come to watch us was such an adrenaline rush. But I had so much going through my head at that point, that you kind of don't hear the crowd - make sure I arched my back and sucked in my tummy. Oh yeh and then smile and look like your not in pain! The pain is irrelevant when your up on stage; you don't really think about it to be honest.

But I have to say the nerves did get better as we went through the various rounds; there were 2 rounds for me in the bikini category - 1st up was sports theme wear then 2nd round was th actual bikini showcase.

The Model category (ladies & men) were up first, so I had the joy of cheering my mate Laura Jane Williams strutt her stuff onto stage. She looked absolutely gorgeous! Then it was the fitness round, with another team elb member Victoria wood showing the judges what she'd got. She rocked it hard. Figure stars Karen Adams, Katie Grove and Kaz also hit the stage and posed their butts off (sexy butts they are too). Each of them placed which was incredible, seeing as a couple of them were nervous a week ago at the final Musclemania bootcamp at Studio ELB.

Laura and I proudly posing with our trophies....

Before i knew it, it was bikini time. First round was sports theme wear, so I wiggled out on stage in my sports bra, black shorts and socks for my theme of hockey. I didn't forget my routine which was a relief - I was so worried I would! After we had all done our walks we then got brought out for comparison's in which the judges got us standing side by side.
Side shot of my bikini round....
It was a while before we got called out to do bikini wear, so I had some time to practise my next routine and neck a few shots of Jack Daniels and vodka (which didn't touch the sides)! I felt that my bikini round went better than the theme wear,but I guess it's what the judges decide.

And a back shot of my bikini...
Throughout the show there wasn't really much opportunity to go out into the crowd and watch the other categories as Musclemania were speeding through the show so quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to do the results. This part of the show seemed to take just as long as the main part but oh boy what a feeling it was to get 2nd place and lift that made all the training and dieting, blood, sweat and many tears worth it! 

The whole show and atmosphere seemed to be over in a flash! All the girls that competed were über supportive and so friendly with each other! I really didn't expect that and couldn't have asked for a better experience for my first ever bikini competition.

the motley crew all on stage with our trophies....
So now it's onto training for the last chapter of this journey..Miss Galaxy! Musclemania has given me the motivation to train and work harder for this show in November. You get out of training what you put for the 2nd time, I apologise to my friends,family and Lewis for whats in store. It may not be pretty!haha 

Lewis' surprise for when i got home. Im a lucky girl!!

So stay tuned, we've still got a way to go till I get to my goal!

Till next time; 

Little miss fitness 