Showing posts with label Fitness Competitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Competitions. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Have you got the Fit Factor?

Oh wow what a weekend-I don't know where to begin! 

First let me apologise for the lack of communication over the last week or so, it's been rather hectic, what with trying to fit training in, nearly getting lost in Amsterdam, water loading.. To name a few things! Put it this way I was in desperate need of sleep and driving when your tired is not something I condone at all.

But it all came together last week on Friday-everyone in the gym, friends and work wished me good luck and I was off to prep. Friday morning was up early for last bit of cardio with Shaun T-boy it was insane, then I headed to Elise for my gorgeous fake bake spray tan. I can't thank her enough for fitting me in early and for all the competition tans she's done for me. 
Tunes blaring and 2 tanned girlies...
Then onto the motorway to head up to Birmingham with my girlie Amy Stephens. We had the tunes blaring out and the sun was shining. Once we got to the NEC it was straight to registering for fit factor and meet the rest of the guys competing. The Hotel we stayed in was lush and just what we needed, large space to practise posing and soft beds...ah heaven. It wasn't too far from the NEC either so it was an added bonus- The St.Johns Hotel.

So Saturday came and it was up early again to do hair and make-up for the day. Breakfast was an interesting mix of chicken and almonds, weird you might think but actually filling, as it's a high source of protein which keeps you fuller for longer. Try it out if your brave enough! 

Once we'd got to the NEC (again!) with a bit of commotion in traffic, we had a brief competitor meeting and told what time we were going to start. After that we were free to wander about which I was sooo excited about. This is what id been waiting for, to go round and see all the stands, buy a few things, meet some stars. Oh I was in my element. I did manage to bump into Phil Heath on Sunday which was incredible. Don't think he had too much time to chat though, he was on his way to make a speech.

GymShark - and i'm afraid of sharks!
So then the time came for me and Amy to go back stage, get glazed up and ready in our sportswear for the 1st round. We did a few pre-exercises to get the blood pumped to the muscles so things like press-ups, lateral raises, squats just free-weight bits. 

I was so nervous before going on stage, I was running through everything in my head at a million miles an hour, over and over again. I kept thinking to myself what my coach would say "don't look down" and "smash it". Again my legs went like jelly as soon as I got on stage,but I loved doing my t-walk. But I didn't predict how many more people there'd be in the audience. 

Current & former Miss Galaxies strutting - oh yeh!!
After the swimwear round 3 girlswere brought forward to the judges so they could get feedback. I was shocked that I got called and my feedback was that I came across a little shy on stage in comparison to the other girls. I took this on board and appreciated the feedback. 

Then it came to the end of the day to announce the guys and girls who'd made it through to the final on Sunday. I was shocked and sad to hear Joshua and Amy didn't make it, they'd worked so hard and looked amazing. I was even more shocked to hear my number (101) called out! I couldn't believe id made it through to the final out of the competition. 

So it came to Sunday and there were 2 rounds again. 1 being swimwear and the 2nd round was a photoshoot where we had 3 chances to get the perfect cover magazine pose. Unfortunately this doesn't come naturally to me and with only 16 seconds inbetween shots I struggled, although I felt my wall was alot more confident than Saturdays performance. 

the gorgeous Amy Stephens & me..
So these 2 rounds came and went, a lot quicker than the Saturday, understandably. I got to walk around the exhibition a bit more and see more of the stands; and my BFF Danielle came up to the NEC as well which made everything that extra bit special. The results were announced at 3pm and unfortunately I didn't make the top 5 girls. But the girls who did were incredible and the winner of fit factor couldn't have gone to a better girl - Paloma. I wasn't too disappointed as my goal was to make it thought to Sunday which I did, anything else was a bonus. I knew the competition would be tough so I prepared for what may happen. I'm pleased with how I looked and my t-walk which for me was what mattered. 

Backstage with the girlies...
So at the end of if all, I had an great weekend, met some more amazing people and learnt a lot more about the fitness industry. Now it's time to give the body a break from competing and trying new gym routines and fitness ventures. Oh and for anyone who wants to know, my first cheat meal afterwards was a KFC! Followed by chocolate and it all tasted so good. 

Little miss fitness 

Monday, 4 May 2015

2 weeks to go

Yep you read that correctly, this time in 2 weeks time it will all be over. 

All the prep and the mini-meltdowns in Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys (well pretty much every supermarket) will be no more. I think I've had more tantrums this time around than when i trained for Miss Galaxy. Either that or the tantrums haven't increased, they've just got worse - erm not sure which! I may need to phone a friend! Even my boyfriend has lost count I think! It's not something i'm proud to admit but anyone who has competed knows that mood swings and food tantrums are part and parcel of dieting. My boyfriend deserves a lot of beers for the tantrums and snappiness from me, as i think him and my mum have suffered and seen the worst of them. And even he can get a bit mardy when he's hungry - so you can imagine the combo of him and my tantrums. Our supermarket visits are always pretty much like supermarket sweep!  

I know the next 2 weeks are going to be hard, perhaps the hardest - water loading, carb depletion, additional cardio to burn that access fat. Yes there isn't any beauty aspect in the run up to a competition. And to make it that little bit harder, this coming weekend I am going to be on stage performing at Miss Galaxy. How have these weekends come round so quick?

It is sad to think that whilst the girls who've competed in Miss Galaxy are stuffing their faces with chips and wine after the show, I will only be able to chow down on chicken and veg..mmmmm yummy!! AS my trainer would say though, its only 1 week and then ill be able to have my cheat meal too.  Oh my god I cant wait. Its got to the point now, whereby im sniffing cookie jar tins for that sweet smell of chocolate (AKA: SUGAR!!!!)

My saving grace when cravings hit!
This week is going to be a bit manic - Ive got to finish blinging up my bikini, practise my t-walk for Galaxy, water load, train..oh yeh and do a full-time job. I think birthday celebrations will have to wait until after BodyPower!

So apologies now if you don't hear much from me in the next 2 weeks; my mind may be elsewhere and ill probably be spending more time preening and getting spray tanned than actually working!

Little Miss Fitness

Monday, 13 April 2015

New start; new challenge

"If it doesn't challenge you, it wont change you"

I found this quote on Pinterest this morning and thought it was quite apt for today. We shouldn't be afraid of challenges or to take them on. Each time we do, go into them with a fresh mind; start from scratch as if you don't know anything. You never know what you'll learn from those who've done it, been there, got the T-shirt. 

The main thing though is BE PATIENT! We are all our own worst enemy (myself included!) in this; however patience will set you apart from others that aren't and go for quick results instead. 
You control your destiny
I know all of this sounds very thoughtful and deep for a monday morning but hear me out. Today is my first day in a new job and I admit I am really nervous. There are so many thoughts going through my head; what if the people in the office don't like me, what if i cant do the job? 

I know these may sounds silly but I guess it's natural to be anxious with any new challenge you face. I've just got to rise to it and have the confidence and patience to achieve what I want. As my mum would say "Baby steps Amy" and "Rome wasn't built in a day" as my boyfriend would say. Don't you just hate it when your loved ones are right?!! 

A little welcome pack full of goodies...
I guess these nerves were similar when I started training for competitions; I questioned myself then "can I train hard enough", "can I stick to the diet"? This is where mental strength will prevail - not to mention having a support network around you. Even with 5 weeks to go till Fit Factor, I'm still battling with some of these questions and challenges now. But thats part of the excitement and the fun with doing something new and challenging - you don't know what the outcome will be until you get to the end. 

So lets see if I can make it to the end of this challenge and feel confident that when I'm up on stage on 16th May in Birmingham, I know I've done everything I could to push myself and challenge my body.


Little Miss Fitness 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Lights, camera, action

Wow what a day! I cant believe it, it came round so quickly. Yesterday I was getting spray tanned at The Tanning Station and now my photo-shoot is all over, finished. This was my first professional photo-shoot and I can safely say I have had an amazing time. Rebecca Andrews is a fabulous photographer and made me feel instantly at ease.  I was a little nervous the week before and in the last few days; I guess I was just hoping that my body would look good enough. But now its done, we will have to wait and see.

The night before.. all tanned up and ready to go...
I got to the studio fairly early today, just to have a nose about and get a feel for things, although I ended up spending most of the afternoon in rollers. Now thats a sight that many don't see and wont see again for some time! Emma did my hair and make up; we went for smoky eyes with make up as I feel this highlights certain areas of my face a bit more.

Sexy lady? thinks not.
Which outfit do I pick first?
Rebecca had put together a mood board for each of us at the studio today, which was great to get a visual idea of what she was trying to do with each shot. My mood board had a mixture of fashion and fitness images on it, which is kind of what I wanted. We started off with fashion and then finished off with my fitness shots, that way i didn't get all sweaty in my tailored jacket.

Tadaaa - the finished article
I think Rebecca got some great shots for both fashion and fitness. We pushed the boundaries a little on the fashion front but I thought the opportunity may not come around again so why not go for. Emma and Rebecca made me feel relaxed about it though so it was all good. The fitness shots I have yet to see but I got to do a few bits on cable ropes, on a bench with lateral raises and some dumbbells. I have to say though it's hard trying to hold a pose with weights and make it look like your working out. Phew - it was a workout in itself!

Me and the fabulous Rebecca Andrews
Anyway it was a wonderful experience that I hope i get to do again some day. Now I can't wait to see how the rest of the shots come out. I wonder how much re-touching Rebecca will have to do?

Little Miss Fitness 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

And the winner is....

Oh my god I've done it I've actually done it! Hearing my number (17) being called out for supreme champion of Miss Galaxy November 2014 is something I've been playing in my head over and over again. It doesnt seem real - at any moment now, my mum is going to shake me awake and tell me to get my butt out of bed and to stop being lazy! It certainly feels like a dream right hasnt fully sunken in yet. Emma said it will do after the 1000th person says congratulations.

Once I had been called to the front as the winner, Mum rushed down to the bottom of the stage when my name was called out and I could see Lewis and my dad also jumping up and down. I've never won anything before in my life so I don't quite know how to react or take it in. I think I took forever and an age to get to the front of the stage as I wasn't sure if they were kidding or not. Lowell mason (the fabulous galaxy photographer) did an imitation of my face and walk after everyone had gone. It seemed spot on. Most people who know me, know I've usually got something to say and at this point I was speechless..a rarity.
Still in shock..
I also cant believe that Renee Watters, from Fit Body Promotions has chosen me and 5 other girls to appear in Fit Factor at Body Power Expo next May. This is a huge exhibition, held at the Birmingham NEC where hundreds of renowned people from the fitness industry all come together for a full 3 day weekend.

Whats even more surreal is that I came 2nd in the fitness tests. The amount of talented girls that showed up to the track on Friday afternoon, was amazing. I was so worried about it all and put a lot of pressure on myself to do well but all the girls were so nice that I thought i should just go out there and enjoy myself. I have trained hard for the last 4 months so now Ive just got to go out there and do my best. Which is what I did and I had a great time doing the fitness tests - once these were out of the way I felt more relaxed and at ease to take to the stage on saturday. Now the whole weekend seems a bit of a blur. So much happened last week and then to be up on stage with the rest of the girls, to show off the hard work that we had all put in for just a couple of minutes was momentous. Every single girl that competed on Friday and Saturday should be proud of what they achieved. It takes a lot of guts to get up on stage in a bikini and pose, so my hat goes off to them..

Granted my legs were shaking like leaves and my bottom lip was trembling, but the blood sweat and tears are slightly put to the back of the mind when up on stage and meeting lots of new friends behind the scenes.

Ah got my finger caught!! 
There were so many gorgeous girls up on stage and I was lucky to make lots of new friends 2 in particular. I met Louise who was crowned most adorable and is also a fellow fit factor beauty. Then there's Amy Stephens, another fit factor buddy whose skills of fake tan and patching up green armpits; I will forever be in her debt!lol These girls were amazing and we kept each other calm whilst backstage on Saturday. Louise had the chocolate...I had the alcohol. No change there then!

Snickers.. get some nuts!
After having some pictures taken after the show had ended etc, then it was off to celebrate in style.. The first stop was Macdonalds for the long awaited Big Mac that I had been planning for weeks as my cheat meal. It was a romantic meal, as my boyfriend and I went through the drive through and then ate our food in the car park. Talk about candlelight dinner for two!!haha I think he was semi-impressed with how quickly I wolfed mine down though. After all the weeks of dieting, you wouldn't stop a Galaxy girl from eating a Big Mac... thats just dangerous! 

Ah there's so much to tell you about the show and what happened. There was also a post show party back at the hotel and some of the fitness models went out out!! A few of the other girls, including me, Louise and Amy Stephens stayed at the hotel and drank. 

So what now you say? Well I still feel high on adrenaline, but I've got a holiday coming up next week, so whilst I'm lying on a beach somewhere with the sun beaming down on me (sorry if I'm making you jealous), it will be time to take everything in and just relax. When I come back then its back to reality!

Till next time 

Little Miss Fitness 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Musclemania Baby! - part 2

The Story continues...

So onto the stage we all went to start the show..I thought I was fine before walking out, but as soon as those lights hit me and the crowds cheering, my legs went like jelly. I was so sure my legs would give way and id fall flat on my face infront of everyone. What a palava that would have been, so I'm glad I didn't.

Talking of being on stage, oh my god it was incredible! To hear all the people that had come to watch us was such an adrenaline rush. But I had so much going through my head at that point, that you kind of don't hear the crowd - make sure I arched my back and sucked in my tummy. Oh yeh and then smile and look like your not in pain! The pain is irrelevant when your up on stage; you don't really think about it to be honest.

But I have to say the nerves did get better as we went through the various rounds; there were 2 rounds for me in the bikini category - 1st up was sports theme wear then 2nd round was th actual bikini showcase.

The Model category (ladies & men) were up first, so I had the joy of cheering my mate Laura Jane Williams strutt her stuff onto stage. She looked absolutely gorgeous! Then it was the fitness round, with another team elb member Victoria wood showing the judges what she'd got. She rocked it hard. Figure stars Karen Adams, Katie Grove and Kaz also hit the stage and posed their butts off (sexy butts they are too). Each of them placed which was incredible, seeing as a couple of them were nervous a week ago at the final Musclemania bootcamp at Studio ELB.

Laura and I proudly posing with our trophies....

Before i knew it, it was bikini time. First round was sports theme wear, so I wiggled out on stage in my sports bra, black shorts and socks for my theme of hockey. I didn't forget my routine which was a relief - I was so worried I would! After we had all done our walks we then got brought out for comparison's in which the judges got us standing side by side.
Side shot of my bikini round....
It was a while before we got called out to do bikini wear, so I had some time to practise my next routine and neck a few shots of Jack Daniels and vodka (which didn't touch the sides)! I felt that my bikini round went better than the theme wear,but I guess it's what the judges decide.

And a back shot of my bikini...
Throughout the show there wasn't really much opportunity to go out into the crowd and watch the other categories as Musclemania were speeding through the show so quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to do the results. This part of the show seemed to take just as long as the main part but oh boy what a feeling it was to get 2nd place and lift that made all the training and dieting, blood, sweat and many tears worth it! 

The whole show and atmosphere seemed to be over in a flash! All the girls that competed were über supportive and so friendly with each other! I really didn't expect that and couldn't have asked for a better experience for my first ever bikini competition.

the motley crew all on stage with our trophies....
So now it's onto training for the last chapter of this journey..Miss Galaxy! Musclemania has given me the motivation to train and work harder for this show in November. You get out of training what you put for the 2nd time, I apologise to my friends,family and Lewis for whats in store. It may not be pretty!haha 

Lewis' surprise for when i got home. Im a lucky girl!!

So stay tuned, we've still got a way to go till I get to my goal!

Till next time; 

Little miss fitness 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Musclemania Baby! - part 1

My First Bikini competition EVER!!

Oh my god what a weekend! I have now officially competed in my first ever bikini competition - and I can't believe I came 2nd!! What an achievement after such a short space of training. I only started this journey 2 and half months ago with Emma and to come this far with my body, diet and mental strength has made it all worth it.

I have to admit, the week and a couple of days before the comp was tough. My energy levels were zapped, I had to have my body waxed and sprayed in preparation. Not to mention my diet changed and i still had to train hard. Yesterday though I think I was at my most irritable.I was trying to drink as much water as possible, not move or bash my body as my base tan layer was developing. Oh boy that was interesting, I started as an oompalompa in the morning, but by the night time all that you could see of me in the dark were my eyes and teeth!!haha I can't express how dark I was. I was even afraid to show Lewis when he came over to keep me company. I think the hardest thing that night was that I had sleep lying on my back with my hands by my side so my tan could keep developing.. so you can imagine i didn't get much sleep! Funny side to this story is that when I woke up half way through the night, I realised i had clearly moved my hands whilst sleeping as my chest and top part of my stomach had white hand marks!! I had a slight panic that these marks wouldn't come off!

Laura, Katie and I enjoying the views of London...
Then it was up early (6:30am) to wash it off and go to Elise at the Tanning station to get my competition layer done. I had gone so dark she didn't need to put more than 1 layer on, which was a result! Then comes the tricky task of travelling into central London to the theatre without wearing tight clothes! So yes people I came into central London (on a busy train) in my pyjamas. Arsenal are playing at home so there were a lot more people than i had original thought on the train. I did get some odd looks but in less than 5 hours I am going to be on stage in front of near enough 100 people in a bikini, so pyjama's on a train are small fry!

An empty stage - whilst having our competitor meeting
It's now 4:30pm and i'm registered and ready to go. Ive ordered front stage shots from Fivos photography and the girls and I need to finish getting ready before showtime. We had a competitor meeting at 3pm where Musclemania took us through some of the do's and dont's of the show; one of them being girls MUST NOT open their legs as its a family friendly show. Just now we've had media shots done by the federation right outside the theatre, all in our bikinis and swimwear. Passers by even stopped to have a look and take some photos.

Musclemania Britain girls... looking gorgeous!

Doors open at 5pm and Lewis and Miles are coming to see me. I hope I get to see them before i go backstage....I may have to do a shot of alcohol before going on stage to calm the nerves. Wish me luck...

Its Showtime!! Part 2 is coming up soon.....

Little miss fitness 

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Preparation Is The Key To Success!

Things still to do...

So last week I was panicking slightly about stuff I hadn't done or stuff I still needed to do. It was not good; which is probably why I was wide awake at 7am on Saturday, making a to do list! It was only in the afternoon that i suddenly realised i had turned into my mother! Yikes

But i managed to get through a lot of my list at the weekend (very productive) which even included an ice bucket challenge! I now feel a little more prepared for Musclemania - which is in only 11 days people! Oh my god we are nearly getting into single digits. I can remember when it was like a month away-time is flying by!

So my tanning and wax are now booked for next week - with Tanning station in Enfield. I have to go and get my base layer of tan done the day before the competition, then wash that off and have my competition layer(s) done on the day. So guess whose got an early start on saturday? 7:30am appointment baby, Wohoo..

I also had to buy more gems for my bikini, i clearly underestimated how many i would need. So this weekend I am having to use my mums expert sewing skills to bling up my bikini and work on the bottoms. That should be interesting! Thanks you! This is all after my hockey trials for the coming season. I cant wait for the hockey season to start, its been ages since i picked up a stick but i cant wait to get back into the swing of matches and training. Tring Ladies are going to rule this season!

Sparkle, Sparkle and more sparkle..

Gym training this week so far has been good - yesterday was abs, so I felt the burn and then i think tomorrow is going to be back and arms. Ive still got to keep working on my weaknesses for Miss Galaxy even though Musclemania is the first show. 

Another couple of bits i've been up to since the weekend is doing some research on the things that I'm going to need to take for competition day. Oh my goodness the list seemed to go on forever! It certainly kicked my butt into thinking about extra bits I need to take;  Sellotape, scissors, baggy clothes, music..oh and let's not even go down the road about a cup and funnel for when nature calls. I apologise for the graphic detail but for anyone who has had spray tans or done competitions before, the tan leaves a nice orange mark on the toilet seat. That may not be good for when I'm on stage-I don't really want a toilet seat mark when posing!! 

So the next few posts you read from me won't be about the training but more about prep and how I'm feeling - so apologise in advance for the roller coaster that you may be taken on. Tomorrow night is my last posing session 1-on-1 with Emma so lets hope i can smash it - then on Sunday we have the final bootcamp for Musclemania where we are going to have a mock run through of the show - yikes!! And Emma and Ty are going to judge us as if its the real thing. Best bring my A-Game...

Till next time - it will be single digits till the show!! Yikes 

Little miss fitness

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Wiggle those hips girl!

Time to strut my stuff!

Im like a kid high on candy right now! Ever since Emma sent me a text earlier this week, to say that we were going to do stage prep at the weekend, I couldn't have been more excited! Oddly enough this is the one thing about competition prep I've been most pumped for. I get to walk and strut my stuff in high  heels in front of a mirror; which girl hasn't done that every once in a while?? Come on girls i know you secretly have....if you've got it, flaunt it i say!

Thinking long and hard about the shoes
I wonder what poses i'll learn today?

So the day has arrived; my bikini has been taken out of its hiding place (the back of my drawers!)  and my heels are packed, with my gym bag in tow. Im off to Studio ELB to get whipped into shape by miss galaxy herself! When I got to Emma's studio, first things first - we catch up about her fabulous holiday! I must admit it took the edge off my nerves somewhat.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Chin-up and Sit-up! Pay Attention..

Chin-up girls! Its never as bad as you think!

So today I was dreading; as i had set myself the task of training pull-ups and chin-ups... arghhhh! For someone who trains in the gym (regularly) and does arms I have never really done pull-ups or chin ups. Emma gave me some advice to build up some strength for this; superset! So i started on a light-weight on the pull-up machine then dropped it to a heavier weight to finish the set off. I can only say 2 words...NOT EASY!

Sunday, 6 July 2014

An Unexpected Fitness Journey Begins!

The Starting Line - walking on my hands!

So picture this, a lovely peaceful morning in the picturesque countryside of Buckinghamshire, with the birds tweeting and the sun beaming down. Well that is until I step out onto my parents lawn, in my Puma leggings and Brooks trainers ready for my workout!! I have somehow managed to persuade my mother in helping me do "wheelbarrows"... yes you guessed right, the wheelbarrows you used to do when you were about 6 or 7 and wanted to race against your mates to see who was the fastest! 
Fortunately there are no sneaky tactics here...this exercise is for a different goal. This is all part of my training for the Miss Galaxy Universe competition.