Monday, 22 September 2014

To the next stage.

Time to get cracking - eat clean, train hard!

It's been a week now since Musclemania Britain and it feels so long ago now. It's crazy how time is going so quickly. Lots happened last week, but one thing that I really enjoyed was that I didn't have to eat ridiculous clean. I wasn't on any food plan but I just had to make healthy choices - which wasn't too difficult. However it was sooo tempting to be naughty and have cake, ice-cream and doughnuts. However a couple of days after the show, I did feel so bloated and looked about 6 months pregnant. That was really uncomfortable, but Emma said completely natural after a competition to bloat slightly. Ill have to be really careful when coming out of the Miss Galaxy show with what I eat. Emma's nutritionist coach, Simon Roshdy said that it can take the same amount of time to get back to normal, as it did dieting and eating clean. Oh boy theres some work ahead!

Me and the Tall Bikini girls with our trophies..
I am so nervous at this point...cheesy smile!!
Trying to hold poses like this is tough...
Theme wear round for bikini...
Hope I dont poke my eye out with my stick...

The Hockey season has also started, which I am sooo excited about! It's been way too long since I picked up a stick, but it's kind of like riding a bike. It was the first league game of the season this weekend and we had a storming game 6-1 against harpenden ladies, and some amazing goals from Holly, Daisy, Lizzy and Jenny. I think we all played so well and Lizzy was just on fire on the left hand side. I was really glad I didn't fall over or play more football thank hockey! I did however get a hockey stick smacked into my knee, so I've got a bit of a pearler coming through. Oh the joys of playing a non-contact sport?!lol I think when it gets close to Miss Galaxy I may have to be a bit more careful with hockey and matches, I don't think having a black bruise on stage is going to gain my extra points.

The ball is there somewhere...
Which way am i supposed to be going again???
Hockey training was amazing last week, it was so nice to get back into it. We started off with 2 laps of the pitch and then sprints - just to get the heart pumping! Then drills and game play. We finished off playing a game against the men, which is always fun, and rather fast! It's hard to bloody keep up with them. I think the start of the new hockey season is probably why I've got so many bruises over my body. Thanks to Tom and Tom for doing training and putting us through our paces..

So back to Miss Galaxy training hard this week. I trained last week but now it's back to eating clean and training even harder. The fitness tests are not going to be a push over. Lots of eggs being eaten this week too, so let's see how that works out! Im going to be training with Emma tomorrow, which I'm looking forward too, then hockey training on Wednesday night. I don't know how it's all going to fit in! Can you grow an extra pair of arms in a few days? If anyone does know give me a shout! Haha 

I'm also going to have to get my butt into gear and organise things for the show. Miss Galaxy is not far away (6 weeks) and there's a few things aka, costume, hotel, spray tans etc that I need to organise. As the shows in Crawley I need to organise how spray tans are going to work. How well onto this week - I have no doubt it will go by in a flash. Then its bootcamp on Saturday for Galaxy, which I'm excited to meet the other girls.

Till next time;

Little miss fitness 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Musclemania Baby! - part 2

The Story continues...

So onto the stage we all went to start the show..I thought I was fine before walking out, but as soon as those lights hit me and the crowds cheering, my legs went like jelly. I was so sure my legs would give way and id fall flat on my face infront of everyone. What a palava that would have been, so I'm glad I didn't.

Talking of being on stage, oh my god it was incredible! To hear all the people that had come to watch us was such an adrenaline rush. But I had so much going through my head at that point, that you kind of don't hear the crowd - make sure I arched my back and sucked in my tummy. Oh yeh and then smile and look like your not in pain! The pain is irrelevant when your up on stage; you don't really think about it to be honest.

But I have to say the nerves did get better as we went through the various rounds; there were 2 rounds for me in the bikini category - 1st up was sports theme wear then 2nd round was th actual bikini showcase.

The Model category (ladies & men) were up first, so I had the joy of cheering my mate Laura Jane Williams strutt her stuff onto stage. She looked absolutely gorgeous! Then it was the fitness round, with another team elb member Victoria wood showing the judges what she'd got. She rocked it hard. Figure stars Karen Adams, Katie Grove and Kaz also hit the stage and posed their butts off (sexy butts they are too). Each of them placed which was incredible, seeing as a couple of them were nervous a week ago at the final Musclemania bootcamp at Studio ELB.

Laura and I proudly posing with our trophies....

Before i knew it, it was bikini time. First round was sports theme wear, so I wiggled out on stage in my sports bra, black shorts and socks for my theme of hockey. I didn't forget my routine which was a relief - I was so worried I would! After we had all done our walks we then got brought out for comparison's in which the judges got us standing side by side.
Side shot of my bikini round....
It was a while before we got called out to do bikini wear, so I had some time to practise my next routine and neck a few shots of Jack Daniels and vodka (which didn't touch the sides)! I felt that my bikini round went better than the theme wear,but I guess it's what the judges decide.

And a back shot of my bikini...
Throughout the show there wasn't really much opportunity to go out into the crowd and watch the other categories as Musclemania were speeding through the show so quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to do the results. This part of the show seemed to take just as long as the main part but oh boy what a feeling it was to get 2nd place and lift that made all the training and dieting, blood, sweat and many tears worth it! 

The whole show and atmosphere seemed to be over in a flash! All the girls that competed were über supportive and so friendly with each other! I really didn't expect that and couldn't have asked for a better experience for my first ever bikini competition.

the motley crew all on stage with our trophies....
So now it's onto training for the last chapter of this journey..Miss Galaxy! Musclemania has given me the motivation to train and work harder for this show in November. You get out of training what you put for the 2nd time, I apologise to my friends,family and Lewis for whats in store. It may not be pretty!haha 

Lewis' surprise for when i got home. Im a lucky girl!!

So stay tuned, we've still got a way to go till I get to my goal!

Till next time; 

Little miss fitness 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Musclemania Baby! - part 1

My First Bikini competition EVER!!

Oh my god what a weekend! I have now officially competed in my first ever bikini competition - and I can't believe I came 2nd!! What an achievement after such a short space of training. I only started this journey 2 and half months ago with Emma and to come this far with my body, diet and mental strength has made it all worth it.

I have to admit, the week and a couple of days before the comp was tough. My energy levels were zapped, I had to have my body waxed and sprayed in preparation. Not to mention my diet changed and i still had to train hard. Yesterday though I think I was at my most irritable.I was trying to drink as much water as possible, not move or bash my body as my base tan layer was developing. Oh boy that was interesting, I started as an oompalompa in the morning, but by the night time all that you could see of me in the dark were my eyes and teeth!!haha I can't express how dark I was. I was even afraid to show Lewis when he came over to keep me company. I think the hardest thing that night was that I had sleep lying on my back with my hands by my side so my tan could keep developing.. so you can imagine i didn't get much sleep! Funny side to this story is that when I woke up half way through the night, I realised i had clearly moved my hands whilst sleeping as my chest and top part of my stomach had white hand marks!! I had a slight panic that these marks wouldn't come off!

Laura, Katie and I enjoying the views of London...
Then it was up early (6:30am) to wash it off and go to Elise at the Tanning station to get my competition layer done. I had gone so dark she didn't need to put more than 1 layer on, which was a result! Then comes the tricky task of travelling into central London to the theatre without wearing tight clothes! So yes people I came into central London (on a busy train) in my pyjamas. Arsenal are playing at home so there were a lot more people than i had original thought on the train. I did get some odd looks but in less than 5 hours I am going to be on stage in front of near enough 100 people in a bikini, so pyjama's on a train are small fry!

An empty stage - whilst having our competitor meeting
It's now 4:30pm and i'm registered and ready to go. Ive ordered front stage shots from Fivos photography and the girls and I need to finish getting ready before showtime. We had a competitor meeting at 3pm where Musclemania took us through some of the do's and dont's of the show; one of them being girls MUST NOT open their legs as its a family friendly show. Just now we've had media shots done by the federation right outside the theatre, all in our bikinis and swimwear. Passers by even stopped to have a look and take some photos.

Musclemania Britain girls... looking gorgeous!

Doors open at 5pm and Lewis and Miles are coming to see me. I hope I get to see them before i go backstage....I may have to do a shot of alcohol before going on stage to calm the nerves. Wish me luck...

Its Showtime!! Part 2 is coming up soon.....

Little miss fitness 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The finish line is in sight!

Its getting tense as it's only 2 days to go till show time and the nerves are setting in now

I said that this week would go by in a blur and boy has it just. Work has been good, busy but everyone has been amazing and asking me how I am. Good job they didn't say "break a leg" or something! So what else has happened this week? Well I've had to have my waxing done-which for anyone who says it's not painful is a liar and is now walking round with a Pinocchio nose!! It's only a quick pain but emphasis on the word pain!

I can remember when this said 30 days.. how time flies.
I've had to add the final touches to my bikini and start putting stuff together that's going into my suitcase. I must have printed off 4 different check lists with all the things that you should take with you on comp day. The lists are so long your think I was moving house! Haha. My nails are done too (hands and feet), the only big thing left is yes of course my tan.

Training has been difficult to fit in this week but somehow I've managed it. The ELB familio has kept me motivated and determined to fit sessions in. It's the last push so I've got to make it count. However being the clumsy blonde that I am, whilst doing box jumps on Wednesday night, I had reached fatigued and on my last jump my left leg didn't want to jump and I scrapped my shin down the side of the box. Of all my luck-hopefully you can't see it when I've got my tan on! We'll have to wait and see, it's not as bad now but it's still red.

Just my luck getting this before the show.....
On top of all this I've had to put some much needed practise into my poses and walking. Yesterday was comical at the gym; the yoga studio that I wanted to use was busy so I had to go into the main studio where a couple of people were training some form of martial arts...I didn't ask which one though! I thought there's no point being shy practising infront of them, I'm going to have to do it infront hundreds of strangers on Saturday so what's 2 people?! So I managed to pull off my theme wear and bikini routines and then dash off to work.

I feel a little more settled in my routines now but that doesn't escape the fact that on Saturday I'm going to be shitting a brick! 

I will be posting on social media throughout the day and putting pictures up so stay tuned..and then once it's all over I get a cheat day! Oh my god I've been waiting for this day for months. I think I may cry with joy! Ha 

Wish me luck! Till next time;
Little miss fitness 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Final Bootcamp; the Run-Through

Time to get our game faces on

Wow what a weekend! It's the final one before show day and it has gone by in a blur (more than usual). Yesterday morning - you guessed it I was awake at silly o'clock. I think I'm starting to run on the adrenaline.. So I have no doubt that I'll come crashing down at some point after the comp! Not looking forward to that moment.

If you read my last blog you may remember that this Saturday was hockey trials for the start of the season. I haven't picked up a stick in about 5 months, so I was a little worried as to whether I'd remember how to play!haha 

It was lovely to get to Tring school and see all the youngsters. I was worried whether id be able to keep up with them. We started with a little warm up and then got straight into some drills. It felt really good to pick up a stick and hit a ball again; I can't wait to get this season started. Hopefully my energy levels will be able to sustain in matches as I will still be training for miss galaxy! Oh yes Musclemania is not the only show I'm doing! So the discipline and training still continues for some time yet. Sorry folks - your going to have to put up with my blogs, diet and whinging for a little while yet! lol

By far the best tasting drink ive ever had!
After we did a couple of drills it was straight into a game, using the whole pitch, which was good. I was quite shocked that I managed to keep up with some of the youngsters. Clearly the training Emma has put me through is working and my fitness levels have increased. Thanks Em...

Once trials had finished it was straight over to mums to raid her fridge!! Only joking, I went round to spend some time with her before she goes on holiday - and use her expert sewing skills of course! I think she's done such an amazing job on my bikini and all I had to do for payment was pick home grown raspberries! Not exactly a punishment... so win win for me.

I stopped off at Superdrug to get a couple of bits for the show on saturday before heading to mums, as i needed to practise my make up; which turned into an interesting and bloody frustrating effort. My fake eyelashes just wouldn't go on right - why is it always just one eye, they come in pairs!! This then made me late to my boyfriends - which i have to say i'm becoming re-knowned for. Oops! Women have the excuse of being fashionable late though!!

On Sunday morning, he gave me a nice prep talk to get me psyched up for the final bootcamp! Yes I may sound a little soppy here but I am a lucky girl to have someone who has supported me to the degree he has. He is truly amazing!

It's getting there...
So it was off to Studio ELB for the final bootcamp for Musclemania and a mock run through of the show. Once everyone had got there we all sat down and Emma, Ty-Og and ELB's nutritionist coach Simon Roshdy told us how things were going to go that day. We were going to run through our walks in front of all 3 of them and we would be judged as if it was comp day. Afterwards we would all get feedback, both positive and constructive so that we could improve.

The gorgeous Emma, strong Ty-Og and genius Simon Rhoshdy...
I think the whole bootcamp went really well and I just want to say a huge thank you to Emma and Ty for organising them. They have helped calm my nerves and learn a lot more about what goes into the preparation for the shows. I have also made some lovely friends, and it was nice to see the girls again. From today we have got a little support group going, which will definitely help next saturday and for this coming week - where i have no doubt it will be tough. So we will help each other through it - we are all part of the ELB and Ty-Og family now so we get through the struggles together. 

Anyway enough of me rambling on - onto this week, which no doubt will go in a blur. I still have to do a full time job, train hard, practise posing and get my body prepped for show day. Oh yes people, this is the week when I will be tangoed! Take a look at the before pictures now....

The lovely ELB beauties in full glory
Have a fantastic week people and achieve your goals - whatever they are, whether big or small. Achieve something for yourself that you hadn't achieved last week.

Till next time

Little miss fitness

Friday, 5 September 2014

We're now in single digits

It's officially countdown time!

So we have 8 days to go until I have to register, dress and walk onto the stage infront of possibly hundreds of people.. I am going through mixed emotions right now. Excitement..nerves..adrenaline all in one. I think this next week is just going to go by in a blur!

Its the final countdown!!
My posing session with Emma on Wednesday went really well-I just have to practise practise practise till it becomes 2nd nature. I think I'll be dreaming about my routine 
But TGI Friday!! I had a good session in the gym this morning even though I felt hungry and tired from training last night too. But I managed to bench press (on my own) 15 reps at half my body weight (aka: 30KG) and then managed 2 full reps at 40kg! A small victory but so satisfactory. One weird thing that happened in the gym this morning is that some people don't really recognise me now. They say I have lost quite a bit of weight, and am looking good...but I guess when you look at yourself every day you don't see the same changes that other people do!

Skipping to my agenda this weekend; it's going to be a busy one. I just pray I'm not awake at stupid o'clock again with things ticking over in my head. I've been keeping a to do list, which is the only way I can keep sane right now! Hockey trials are tomorrow, which i cannot wait for. It's been so long since I picked up a stick. I hope I haven't forgotten how to play?!! I can't wait to see the girls at Tring and catch up. Then training starts properly next week..

Sunday is the final bootcamp of Musclemania and we are going to be doing a mock run through of the show! Emma, Ty and Simon (ELB's nutrition coach) are going to be the judges. Yikes..I've got my theme wear and bikini done now, so all that's left is to practise my posing and walking (doesn't sound much but oh boy does practise makes perfect!)

Then in-between all of this I have to grab a last few bits and pieces for competition day. I still can't get over how much stuff I'm going to need to take with me. Oh well I best get cracking, got to make sure I sleep and get plenty of rest for the weekend ahead.

Just an little inspirational quote to leave you with; "the only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves".

Till next time - let's do this!!

Little Miss Fitness

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Preparation Is The Key To Success!

Things still to do...

So last week I was panicking slightly about stuff I hadn't done or stuff I still needed to do. It was not good; which is probably why I was wide awake at 7am on Saturday, making a to do list! It was only in the afternoon that i suddenly realised i had turned into my mother! Yikes

But i managed to get through a lot of my list at the weekend (very productive) which even included an ice bucket challenge! I now feel a little more prepared for Musclemania - which is in only 11 days people! Oh my god we are nearly getting into single digits. I can remember when it was like a month away-time is flying by!

So my tanning and wax are now booked for next week - with Tanning station in Enfield. I have to go and get my base layer of tan done the day before the competition, then wash that off and have my competition layer(s) done on the day. So guess whose got an early start on saturday? 7:30am appointment baby, Wohoo..

I also had to buy more gems for my bikini, i clearly underestimated how many i would need. So this weekend I am having to use my mums expert sewing skills to bling up my bikini and work on the bottoms. That should be interesting! Thanks you! This is all after my hockey trials for the coming season. I cant wait for the hockey season to start, its been ages since i picked up a stick but i cant wait to get back into the swing of matches and training. Tring Ladies are going to rule this season!

Sparkle, Sparkle and more sparkle..

Gym training this week so far has been good - yesterday was abs, so I felt the burn and then i think tomorrow is going to be back and arms. Ive still got to keep working on my weaknesses for Miss Galaxy even though Musclemania is the first show. 

Another couple of bits i've been up to since the weekend is doing some research on the things that I'm going to need to take for competition day. Oh my goodness the list seemed to go on forever! It certainly kicked my butt into thinking about extra bits I need to take;  Sellotape, scissors, baggy clothes, music..oh and let's not even go down the road about a cup and funnel for when nature calls. I apologise for the graphic detail but for anyone who has had spray tans or done competitions before, the tan leaves a nice orange mark on the toilet seat. That may not be good for when I'm on stage-I don't really want a toilet seat mark when posing!! 

So the next few posts you read from me won't be about the training but more about prep and how I'm feeling - so apologise in advance for the roller coaster that you may be taken on. Tomorrow night is my last posing session 1-on-1 with Emma so lets hope i can smash it - then on Sunday we have the final bootcamp for Musclemania where we are going to have a mock run through of the show - yikes!! And Emma and Ty are going to judge us as if its the real thing. Best bring my A-Game...

Till next time - it will be single digits till the show!! Yikes 

Little miss fitness