Monday, 1 June 2015

The sweet things in life

The highs and low's of post-competition!

First of all let me apologise that I've been MIIA (missing in action) for the last month or so. I've started a new job, reverse dieted after comp etc the list goes on. The days after standing on stage can be just as hard even harder to come back down to some reality.  

You've achieved your set goal; youve depleted, gotten up on stage and shown off your hard work of training morning and night for months on end. But what's your next move? What's your next goal?  Its hard to figure out what to do after competition season, because there's no real restriction on food anymore. Your first instinct might be to gorge on all the food that passes in front of you but I'll say that may not be such a great move. 

I'll admit i had my cheat meal of KFC post fit factor but then after that I've had to be really careful not to overindulge or my body would balloon! This is when those around you need to help and support you because they'll automatically think you'll be able to go straight back to what you ate prior to training-wrong! It can take as long as your comp prep to reverse diet. 

So for those days I crave sweet sugary things, I keep a couple of healthy alternatives in my kitchen on hand. I've always had a sweet tooth and oh boy when they kick in, it's dangerous better. 

My new favourite breakfast are protein pancakes from Bodybuilding warehouse...they are incredible! Fluffy, soft and packed with 20g+ protein with every panxake! Low carb high protein I'm sold and they in soooo many great flavours. It's a no brainer really. 

So quick to make as well; mix 2 scoops of the powder in a shaker, with 100ml of water. Vigorously shake for about 30 seconds and then fry with 1tsp of coconut oil. 

Or if your a huge chocolate fan; why not try muscle mousse? It tastes just like angel delight but with 30g of protein with every 50g serving. All you've got to do is add 150ml of water to 2 heaped scoops of powder: mix in a shaker and pour into a bowl. Stick in the fridge for 30mins - 1hr and tuck in. Serve with fresh fruit or bit of almond butter for a naughty treat.

So there's just a few tasty alternatives you can get if your lazy like me but have a sweet tooth! 

Little Miss Fitness

Monday, 25 May 2015

So what's next after Body Power?

So the fever of Fit Factor and Body Power is now over; I cant believe it was over a week ago now that I was on stage with an awesome line up of ladies. The post comp blues have come and gone (somewhat!), but the question is what challenge am I going to set myself next? 

I was lucky to be one of the final 20 girls @ Fit Factor
Well i've had a week of much deserved rest, had a few cheat meals but mainly stuck to reverse dieting and i feel so much better. Ive actually got a lot energy, which being the scatty person that I am may not be the best thing! haha I've also had time to reflect and digest everything that has happened in the last year - oh boy its too long to write down but its a lot. 

I have decided to break from competing for a while and get back to focusing on my new job and putting some fun back into my training regime. That doesn't mean I won't keep pushing my body, all it is is that I want to try different things with my training? In truth I've thought about a few new things I'd like to try; my trainer Emma is from a gymnastics background and an avid backflip specialist, so i'd love to dip my toes into this. 

And then I've had thoughts of something a little more extreme, perhaps learning Muay Thai/ kickboxing or cross fit? Is it greedy for me to do both? Maybe give Muay Thai a go first and then gymnastics. That's one of the great freedoms I have now without the pressure of competing or depleting. I can sculpt my training around what I want. I'm not restricted to training specific body parts of getting that extra bit of HIIT cardio in weeks out of comp. The world is my oyster as the saying goes...

So stay tuned for the next wacky idea that I challenge my body with! It could be interesting. However one challenge will always remain through all my workout regimes - to keep my abs! I've worked hard to get them and they are not about to wander anywhere!!

Little Miss Fitness 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Have you got the Fit Factor?

Oh wow what a weekend-I don't know where to begin! 

First let me apologise for the lack of communication over the last week or so, it's been rather hectic, what with trying to fit training in, nearly getting lost in Amsterdam, water loading.. To name a few things! Put it this way I was in desperate need of sleep and driving when your tired is not something I condone at all.

But it all came together last week on Friday-everyone in the gym, friends and work wished me good luck and I was off to prep. Friday morning was up early for last bit of cardio with Shaun T-boy it was insane, then I headed to Elise for my gorgeous fake bake spray tan. I can't thank her enough for fitting me in early and for all the competition tans she's done for me. 
Tunes blaring and 2 tanned girlies...
Then onto the motorway to head up to Birmingham with my girlie Amy Stephens. We had the tunes blaring out and the sun was shining. Once we got to the NEC it was straight to registering for fit factor and meet the rest of the guys competing. The Hotel we stayed in was lush and just what we needed, large space to practise posing and soft beds...ah heaven. It wasn't too far from the NEC either so it was an added bonus- The St.Johns Hotel.

So Saturday came and it was up early again to do hair and make-up for the day. Breakfast was an interesting mix of chicken and almonds, weird you might think but actually filling, as it's a high source of protein which keeps you fuller for longer. Try it out if your brave enough! 

Once we'd got to the NEC (again!) with a bit of commotion in traffic, we had a brief competitor meeting and told what time we were going to start. After that we were free to wander about which I was sooo excited about. This is what id been waiting for, to go round and see all the stands, buy a few things, meet some stars. Oh I was in my element. I did manage to bump into Phil Heath on Sunday which was incredible. Don't think he had too much time to chat though, he was on his way to make a speech.

GymShark - and i'm afraid of sharks!
So then the time came for me and Amy to go back stage, get glazed up and ready in our sportswear for the 1st round. We did a few pre-exercises to get the blood pumped to the muscles so things like press-ups, lateral raises, squats just free-weight bits. 

I was so nervous before going on stage, I was running through everything in my head at a million miles an hour, over and over again. I kept thinking to myself what my coach would say "don't look down" and "smash it". Again my legs went like jelly as soon as I got on stage,but I loved doing my t-walk. But I didn't predict how many more people there'd be in the audience. 

Current & former Miss Galaxies strutting - oh yeh!!
After the swimwear round 3 girlswere brought forward to the judges so they could get feedback. I was shocked that I got called and my feedback was that I came across a little shy on stage in comparison to the other girls. I took this on board and appreciated the feedback. 

Then it came to the end of the day to announce the guys and girls who'd made it through to the final on Sunday. I was shocked and sad to hear Joshua and Amy didn't make it, they'd worked so hard and looked amazing. I was even more shocked to hear my number (101) called out! I couldn't believe id made it through to the final out of the competition. 

So it came to Sunday and there were 2 rounds again. 1 being swimwear and the 2nd round was a photoshoot where we had 3 chances to get the perfect cover magazine pose. Unfortunately this doesn't come naturally to me and with only 16 seconds inbetween shots I struggled, although I felt my wall was alot more confident than Saturdays performance. 

the gorgeous Amy Stephens & me..
So these 2 rounds came and went, a lot quicker than the Saturday, understandably. I got to walk around the exhibition a bit more and see more of the stands; and my BFF Danielle came up to the NEC as well which made everything that extra bit special. The results were announced at 3pm and unfortunately I didn't make the top 5 girls. But the girls who did were incredible and the winner of fit factor couldn't have gone to a better girl - Paloma. I wasn't too disappointed as my goal was to make it thought to Sunday which I did, anything else was a bonus. I knew the competition would be tough so I prepared for what may happen. I'm pleased with how I looked and my t-walk which for me was what mattered. 

Backstage with the girlies...
So at the end of if all, I had an great weekend, met some more amazing people and learnt a lot more about the fitness industry. Now it's time to give the body a break from competing and trying new gym routines and fitness ventures. Oh and for anyone who wants to know, my first cheat meal afterwards was a KFC! Followed by chocolate and it all tasted so good. 

Little miss fitness 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Out if this universe...

What a weekend - and it all started with a birthday..

My birthday was an interesting one to say the least; what can you do when your depleting and cutting for a competition??Not much!! However I was spoilt rotten with cards and presents. I got flowers, money and shopping vouchers which was so lovely of everyone. It really did make the start of what was going to be a long weekend!! 

It was the Miss Galaxy Universe competition this weekend down in Crawley. So Friday started with a trip to my trusted tanner Elise @ The Tanning Station. I can't rave enough about how good her tanning is. I love them. Then after drying, it was driving down South to the K2 track where the Galaxy Games were taking place. It was gorgeous weather when I got there but it didn't bloody stay like that. The heavens soon opened and the drizzle stayed to watch. 

Once I got there, those timing the events  were given our t-shirts and a stopwatch. It was fun to spur the other girls on doing the 800/200 and 100m, they looked like fun. This year there were even strong woman events like pulling a smart car and sandbag carrying. I think it was a really nice idea to incorporate events like this. It gave the Games a different twist instead of just track events. It was just a shame that the weather couldn't of held off, as some of the girls tans were ruined, which was so sad to see. Don't worry they were redone by Jolene the resident Galaxy tanner.

Let the Games begin...
Then Saturday, after the Games, it was the time for the stage show. This is the exciting bit, being back stage with the girls and getting ready. There is such a family atmosphere and the girls all helping each, running up and down the corridor. 

Time to rock the stage with the girls...
I did my own hair and make-up and then made my appearance as the current Supreme Champion by walking on stage, once all the girls had gone on stage. Then it was onto the bikini rounds for each category, and my mates Amy Stephens and Nicola Ashcroft were amazing. Amy was in bikini diva and Nicola in beach bunny. They rocked that stage and showed off all their hard work and dedication: I was so proud of them. And to have the cherry on top, Amy placed 3rd in her category.

Me and my girlies - love them...
A big Congratulations goes out to Victoria Strelciunaite for being crowned Supreme Champion. She thoroughly deserved it and she looked amazing on stage. Enjoy the crown-it's a gorgeous tiara, I was even tempted to swap mine for it! Only kidding,.

It was a great weekend catching up with old faces and making new friends. There were quite a lot of new faces this time at the show which was nice to see. 

So now 1 week to go and body power is here-depletion and water loading begins. Upping the cardio this week for that final push..oh and practising my t-walk. Not much to do at all. 

Little Miss Fitness 

Monday, 4 May 2015

2 weeks to go

Yep you read that correctly, this time in 2 weeks time it will all be over. 

All the prep and the mini-meltdowns in Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys (well pretty much every supermarket) will be no more. I think I've had more tantrums this time around than when i trained for Miss Galaxy. Either that or the tantrums haven't increased, they've just got worse - erm not sure which! I may need to phone a friend! Even my boyfriend has lost count I think! It's not something i'm proud to admit but anyone who has competed knows that mood swings and food tantrums are part and parcel of dieting. My boyfriend deserves a lot of beers for the tantrums and snappiness from me, as i think him and my mum have suffered and seen the worst of them. And even he can get a bit mardy when he's hungry - so you can imagine the combo of him and my tantrums. Our supermarket visits are always pretty much like supermarket sweep!  

I know the next 2 weeks are going to be hard, perhaps the hardest - water loading, carb depletion, additional cardio to burn that access fat. Yes there isn't any beauty aspect in the run up to a competition. And to make it that little bit harder, this coming weekend I am going to be on stage performing at Miss Galaxy. How have these weekends come round so quick?

It is sad to think that whilst the girls who've competed in Miss Galaxy are stuffing their faces with chips and wine after the show, I will only be able to chow down on chicken and veg..mmmmm yummy!! AS my trainer would say though, its only 1 week and then ill be able to have my cheat meal too.  Oh my god I cant wait. Its got to the point now, whereby im sniffing cookie jar tins for that sweet smell of chocolate (AKA: SUGAR!!!!)

My saving grace when cravings hit!
This week is going to be a bit manic - Ive got to finish blinging up my bikini, practise my t-walk for Galaxy, water load, train..oh yeh and do a full-time job. I think birthday celebrations will have to wait until after BodyPower!

So apologies now if you don't hear much from me in the next 2 weeks; my mind may be elsewhere and ill probably be spending more time preening and getting spray tanned than actually working!

Little Miss Fitness

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Lights, camera, smoke? and action

Turning up to Belt Craft studios yesterday was an experience; querky and minimalistic is the best way to describe it. The studio was tucked away off the main road, which was a bit unnerving, but once I saw Lowell and his team it was fine. The studio was big and simple, with lots of different types of furniture in it. Once Lowell and the guys had set the room up, with the boxing punch bag and bench, it felt more like an old school boxing room - kind of like the one you'd see Sylvester Stallone training in; no i'm not comparing myself to Sly, that would be hitting below the belt! How many more boxing puns do you think i could get in there!? Haha

The before picture
The photo-shoot was one of the prizes i was given for winning Miss Galaxy, and to be honest I didn't know what to expect from it. I did the shoot with Rebecca Andrews back in march, which feels like a lifetime ago. The shoot there was a mixture of fashion & fitness and I got some gorgeous shots from that shoot. For this photo-shoot Lowell had gone for a boxing theme which I thought was different, seeing as i haven't done any boxing in a long time. Its not something I've ever done properly, but putting the gloves on and giving the punch bag a good old smack felt really good.

To try and give the photos a bit more of a natural workout feel, I did the shoot in bare feet with the punch bag hanging from the ceiling. To warm up Lowell got me to hit the punch bag a couple of times, much like a workout and then started clicking away! I think i soon got a bit carried away and then went to kicking the bag! Now that felt really good....

An extra bonus i really liked was that I could see all the shots that Lowell had taken on his computer, so I could then adjust my body to get a better shot and make sure my eyes weren't closed! Some shots were left to be desired but others I was really surprised with. The lighting and props that were used really enhanced certain shots.. 

So now its time to wait until the proofs get sent through. Im really looking forward to seeing what they look like; then cherry pick my favourite ones. 

BodyPower Expo countdown = 2 weeks!! now i'm getting nervous and excited! I saw Fit Factor organiser Renee yesterday whilst at the shoot and she put any unnecessary nerves to bed. She was really sweet and understanding. I just hope I'm going to get chance to look around the exhibition as well during the weekend. 

Europe's largest fitness & nutrition exhibition

Little Miss Fitness 

Monday, 27 April 2015

3 weeks to go

Wow so there's only 3 weeks to go till BodyPower! 

Where are these weeks going? So quick recap on what I've been up to... I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I started my new job; then next week (Saturday 9th May) I will be on stage at Miss Galaxy Universe and then the week after that is BodyPower (Saturday 16th - Sunday 17th may). 

Fit Factor Poster
I don't think it's sunk in yet how hectic these next few weeks are going to be. And if your thinking am I competing again at Miss Galaxy, no I'm not. I am only walking on stage once all the other girls have walked on and strutted their stuff. It's going to be exciting seeing the girls I made friends with last November competing again. I'll be cheering them on and I'm looking forward to watching the show as a spectator! 

So yes unfortunately the oompalompa look is coming back! And it will be making an appearance for a solid 3 weeks. I have warned work already; so I'm preparing myself for the jokes that may WILL follow. But hopefully the body scrubs we sell will exfoliate my skin back to normal. My tanning sessions have been booked with the trusted Elise at The Tanning station, in Enfield. She is amazing at doing my competition fake bake tans, so why go anywhere else. She's only down the road too so that's the cherry on top! 

And then oh boy, this coming weekend I've got my photoshoot with Lowell Mason; he is the photographer from Galaxy. 

Lowell Mason's Miss Galaxy shots...
We are shooting in North London on Saturday; but I can't tell you too much on the theme of the shoot that you'll have to wait and see what's in store. 

So stay tuned on my Facebook and Instagram pages; 

Little Miss Fitness 