Saturday, 26 July 2014

Wiggle those hips girl!

Time to strut my stuff!

Im like a kid high on candy right now! Ever since Emma sent me a text earlier this week, to say that we were going to do stage prep at the weekend, I couldn't have been more excited! Oddly enough this is the one thing about competition prep I've been most pumped for. I get to walk and strut my stuff in high  heels in front of a mirror; which girl hasn't done that every once in a while?? Come on girls i know you secretly have....if you've got it, flaunt it i say!

Thinking long and hard about the shoes
I wonder what poses i'll learn today?

So the day has arrived; my bikini has been taken out of its hiding place (the back of my drawers!)  and my heels are packed, with my gym bag in tow. Im off to Studio ELB to get whipped into shape by miss galaxy herself! When I got to Emma's studio, first things first - we catch up about her fabulous holiday! I must admit it took the edge off my nerves somewhat.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

These heels are made for posing!

Time to dust off those heels!!

No it's not what your thinking,I'm not going clubbing..this Saturday I am starting stage prep for miss galaxy!! Is it sad to say that I am uber excited..this part I've been looking forward to since deciding to do the competition. So I have to dust my heels off (yes my mum is saying "which pair?!") and take them with me on Saturday morning (bright and early) to studio elb.

It's been a while my friends..

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Food, glorious food!!

Ok so not going to lie but the last couple of days have been difficult- I've been craving all the bad food you could think of (burgers,chips, chocolate..yes even McDonald's) and for those of you who know me that's weird that I'm craving maccie d's! The urge to go down to my nearest one at work and scoff my face with a Big Mac is sooo tempting but I've got to think about my body on stage..and that's the only thing stopping me!!lol

I knew the diet would be difficult and I accepted that but for some reason the last couple of days have been torture.. Why does the brain play tricks on you? I know it's all psychological but wouldn't it be nice if fast food could be developed so that it didn't stick to your thighs or butt?? It would be every woman's fantasy! Come on Dr. Christensen get to work! Or what if the fat could be directed to bits of your body you wanted..for me, I know where I'd want mine going--my chest! Sorry for the crude image but I've never been well endowed in that area so it would be amazing if eating fast food could solve this! Am I onto something?!

Friends keep telling me about all the lovely food they keep eating - fish and chips, fresh bread - worst of all my favourite dessert in the world CHEESECAKE!! Arghhh....but I signed up to this and all this gorgeous food will be there for me at the end of my training.

So lunch for today is sweet potato and tuna. It may not look a lot but it tastes nice. I just need some inspiration on how to jazz it up more. If anyone has any ideas -please let me know.


If my friends saw this they would probably say to me just eat a burger instead Amy..haha!! Sorry guys, can't do that!

Motivation in the gym was hard tonight too, as my brain was thinking about food. I think the adrenaline side to push harder in training is being hit by the change in food diet. And now it doesn't help that my train is delayed getting home! Talk about patience being tested. (As my mother would say I have none!lol)

Ok I hear you cry, rant over about food; all I need is a good early night sleep. Then tomorrow is a new day...

Just before I go, I just wanted to share this really good quote that I came across today. I thought it was fitting for how things are changing for me at the moment.

You want something, go and get it!

Till next time - stay fit and healthy!

Little miss fitness


Sunday, 20 July 2014

Sunday is a day of rest??

No rest for the wicked!

So it's Sunday morning and I'm up before 8am! Whatever happened to Sunday being the day of rest?! Well this is my wake up call..steaming black coffee; so got my caffeine kick and it smells delicious..

Not long after doing my domestic duties, i grab my gear and head out the door to the gym! This isn't a first for me (working out on weekends) but its certainly rare. In the winter months, Im usually heading out the door to go and play hockey, but as the season hasn't started yet, gyming it on a weekend is new found friendship. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

It's nearly the weekend!!

The medicinal magic of the Gym! 

Oh my god what a day! I couldn't wait to get in the gym and unwind! You know when you've had one of those days where you just don't feel like you get anything done and just create more work for yourself. Yep; I've had one of those and I can't even go home and pour myself a nice glass of red! So please whoever is reading this - have a glass (or 2) for me! But its another day done and tomorrow is Friday so bring on the weekend..

So it was home time and off I tottered to Fitness First, walking with a couple of work mates and the questions are reeling off one by one; like "so what's on the gym agenda tonight?" and "Amy your going to have to fake tan. You'll be orange!". Yep that last bit I will have to do, but I have to say the fake tan I'm quite looking forward too. The smell, maybe not so much but I won't be so white anymore…tanned legs finally! 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Family & Friends will get you through anything!

A Truthful Tuesday:

So this morning, with the sun streaming through the windows in my flat I started off the day with a scrumptious breakfast of porridge, berries and almond milk aka: brain food as my mother always used to call it!

Then in the topsy-turvy world that we live in, I was nearly mowed down by a cyclist on my way to work. What is it with cyclists in central London?! I’m sorry for those of you who cycle to work but pedestrians have right of way and hand signals or using your bell wouldn't go a miss - talk about living life dangerously!

Anyway moving on, last night I spoke to my dad (just a general chit chat). I find it sweet that my family are concerned about me, but its going to be a long 3 months if you keep reminding me! All I can say from my heart is that I promise to look after myself. I have the best in the business training me – so I am definitely in capable hands. I just have to learn to listen to them and my body and rest when it’s needed.

The main reason why I wanted to write this blog is not just to regurgitate exercises and my gym sessions to you; however I may have to subject you to this from time to time! No, I want to let you guys see what I’ve signed up to and the emotions that I will go through. Anyone else who trains hard for competitions or sport will hopefully relate to being a newbie starting out and for those who are struggling with diets or exercise, hopefully this inspires you so that when you feel low and horrible; just keep going and pushing, because the end results will be more than worth it…. Trust me!

So the rest of my day has been good; training tonight was energising. I felt stronger in the gym after last week and as a result I managed to add a little bit more weight to my bench press! Yehh. However, I think I must have turned beetroot red at one point (why my analogies relate to food, I have no idea)! Mind over matter is the key - my mind told me I couldn’t do it, but my body somehow overcame that!

One confession I would like to make early on in this journey is that prepping food for meals is hard and time consuming. Usually I succumb to the pull of fast lunches and easy food by popping to Itsu or POD for my lunch but its not that simple anymore. Emma has given me a diet plan to stick to; which clearly has a desired affect at the end – so I must keep with it. So for now its chicken salads, sweet potato and tuna and LOTS of eggs!

High in protein and good carbohydrates
It may not look like a Big Mac but it tastes better!

By far the best chicken stir-fry i've ever tasted!

So with food prepped for tomorrow and my eyes slowly closing whilst writing these last few words, I will bid you goodnight. Tomorrow is going to be scorching hot; so live in the moment and enjoy!

Till next time – stay fit

Little miss fitness


Friday, 11 July 2014

Trial Run! Take 2..

Grin and Bear it! There's 1 minute rest.

So today is D day and in a matter of hours I will have my first full run through of fitness tests with Emma. She has promised to do it under pressure, as if it was the real deal at Miss Galaxy. I would like to admit now that I am rather terrified of what could happen later. I don't like letting people down, so I really REALLY want to hit those goals she set me 2 weeks ago. I can just imagine Emma standing next to me tonight, with the stopwatch screaming "Faster, Go Go, Push Push" (or something like that!)